Chapter 3

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     "Lunaaaa!" Mia sang. "Oh Lunaaa!"
     "Go away," I grumped hugging my pillow tighter. "Wake me up tomorrow!"
     No. There is no way Mia is going to wake me up today. Our second year at the University doesn't even start for another 2 weeks. I am allowed to enjoy my summer sleep for as long as I still can.
     "Oh, I see you took my suggestion and started the diary! Let's see what I missed," Mia whispered from across my room as she picked up my diary.
     "Mia, you put that down right now or I swear I will throw this at your face!" I yelled while raising my lamp above my head.
     "About time you're awake! Get your pretty butt up and meet me downstairs," she said calmly as she waltzed out of my room.
     Ha. Yeah right. Sleep here I come.
     "Before you ignore me, remember today is moving day!" Mia again sang as she poked her head back in.
     "Gahhhh!" I yelled as I rolled around in anger on my bed. I really hate mornings... and moving.
     Moving day. Humph.
     Today I get to move back into a dorm with my annoying best friend. We spent our first year of college together but then moved back with our families for the summer break. Moving back with Mia was the only thing getting me through these past months. Our old town was too boring and held too many memoreies.
     Might as well get up. The sooner the better, right?
     A few minutes pass and I still hadn't moved. Did I fall back to sleep with my eyes open? Wow, I've hit a whole new level of lazy.
     My eyes traveled to the boxes lining my room. My nerves started to go into over drive thinking about the upcoming year.
     Mia and I made a pact, of some sort, for our future. "The past is the past. Everyday will be better than the last. Nothing will bring us down. We will do better. Together."
     We agreed to be 'yes' people. Or as I like to call it 'fuck it, why not' people. We will say yes or 'fuck it, why not' when asked to anything like making a new friend or going to a party. All this in hopes of moving forward in life. New experiences, new friends, and as Mia hopes; new relationships.
     Not wanting my anxiety to kick my butt so early in the morning, I finally get up for the day.


     "Oh my gosh! We're here!" Mia yelled as she met me in front of our cars.
     "No need to yell I'm right in front of you M," I groaned.
     "Sorry," Mia squealed. "I'm just so excited! New year, new us."
     "Rightttt," I replied with an eye roll. "Let's start the unpacking. Grab my boxes as you grab yours will you? Ok thanks! Love ya." I only made it two steps when Mia pulled me back by my arm.
     "On second thought," Mia laughed, walking up next to me. "Let's just have Brandon do all the heavy lifting."
      Oops, I almost forgot about Brandon.
     "Even better."
     Brandon Miller is Mia's first and only boyfriend. They got together after me and my Christian did. If you say I'm jealous of them, then you're right. Not of Mia. Just of their relationship. They are 5, going on 6 years strong.
     Oh, and they owe it all to me. Well, kind of. I introduced them. They did the talking all on their own. We all ended up really good friends. Brandon would always text me if Mia was mad or sad and ask for advice. It was really cute. So when he told me he wanted to ask her to be his girlfriend, of course I had to help. And here we are over 5 1/2 years later and they are more in love every day. They are the epitome of couple goals.
     "Ok, well let's go walk around until he gets here?" Mia asks.
     "Fuck it, why not," I say jokingly.
     "Now that's the spirit!" Mia exclaimed.
     Cue the eye roll.
     "Honestly M, I was joking," I told her. "I'm tired. Let's just wait inside, please."
      "No ma'am. We are going to walk around and observe the new pool of men. Now let's get to it," she instructed; eyes narrowed at me.
      "It's late M. You know how I feel about the dark.  If we get kidnapped I hope they kill you first," I whined as I tried to catch up to her.
     "Don't be such a puss Luna. It's not even dark yet."
     "Yeah, yeah," I pant. "Dark enough."
     "Everyone is just getting here and looking around. Maybe we can catch a potential!" She said with a happy sigh.
     "Mia, no," I deadpan. Making sure to give her the most uninterested look I can muster. She was always taking any chance she can get to set me up. I think she just felt sorry for me.
     "Luna, yes," she smiled right back at me.
     Being at the campus gave me mixed emotions. There's a relax aura around knowing you get to be on your own as an adult surrounded by friends. However, there's also this thickness in the air. The fears of the unknown. It's hard to miss, I could almost reach out and grab it.
     As we walked into a small sandwich shop I realized I've been zoning Mia out. Again, oops. This happened a lot.
     "I'm sorry, what?" I asked.
      "The boys are almost done," Mia said with an annoyed sigh. "Once you get out of that head of yours we can eat and head back."
     "Boys?" I've always been a shy, timid person but after things with my ex I've avoided guys altogether. My nerves go crazy and I am physically unable to produce words. It's quite embarrassing.
     "Yeah, Brandon got one of his friends to help him. Someone named Skylar," she shrugged. "I don't know who he is. I think it's his new roommate."
   "As long as no one breaks my shit," I replied. Also hoping not to run into any of Brandon's friends. Any chance I can avoid humiliation the better.
     "You're so trusting Luna."
     "I try," I said with a tight smile.

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