Chapter 11

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I headed out of my dorm with an extra pep in my step. Today was the first day of the semester. Call me a nerd but I was looking forward for my classes. And studying course work would surely help with getting Mia off my back. I could not stand going to another party anytime soon. 

    The first half of the day didn’t go as I’ve hoped. I feel like the professor's syllabus’ were based on everything I learned last year. I was ready to learn and be challenged. 

    I sat in the back of my Business Math class doodling. Now, I am no doodler but this class would be the death of me. The professor had a name I couldn’t pronounce and an accent I couldn’t understand. 

    I tried so hard to understand him and gave up. Then, I tried to catch certain words in hopes to make sense of something, anything. I tried reading the board and taking notes but of course his handwriting was illegible. I gave up again.

     “You think there’s an app that translates thick accents?” 

     Startled, I looked over to this stranger on my left. He was drop dead gorgeous. Did I move to another planet where every male looked like a model? I spent some more awkward moments observing his features. He had soft brown hair with a kind yet disturbingly handsome face. His eyes were another topic completely. They were so blue and serene; they reminded me of sea glass. Absolutely breathtaking.

     “Umm. What?” Was my lame reply.

     “The professors’ accent.” He tried triggering my memory.

     “Oh, haha. Yeah, I am so going to fail this class.”

     “I’m Nathaniel,” he said as he pushed his hand out towards me. 

     “Luna,” I replied as I met my hand with his in a friendly handshake. 

     “Nice to meet you. I hope we can become good friends and survive this class together.”

     “That’d be awesome. Nice to meet you too.”

      My day was starting to get better. Nathaniel was great entertainment. The rest of the class he tried deciphering random words our professor was saying, making me laugh the whole time.

     I made a friend. A male friend! Maybe I wasn’t a lost cause after all. 

     Nathaniel was different. I could tell instantly. It was  a gut feeling. He ignited a feeling in me opposite of what Skylar did. There was a warmth but not one that I felt throughout my body. With Nathaniel it was subtle and its heat within me made me smile. 

     I knew he would be important in my life. I just made a great friend and couldn’t keep the smile off of my face. 


     I almost ran back to my dorm at the end of the day. Yes, I was glad to be back in the classroom but my bed was calling my name. 

    As I unlocked my dorm room I felt a weird chill go down my spine. I swear, if this keeps happening, I was going to ask Mia if we could move buildings. Maybe, just maybe this building was haunted. If it was, there was no way I was staying here.

    I went to my room for a small blanket. I wrapped it around myself as I went back to the living room, ready to relax with a movie.

     “Hey Mia!” I yelled. “Are you here?!”

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