Chapter 8

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     The next day I laid in my bed in attempt to sort through things about my life. Okay, that's another lie. I have been trying to rid my brain of any and evry thought, period. There was just too much going on in there and it all just needed to stop. Why couldn't I just be normal.
     "Hey L?" Mia asked as she poked her head into my room. "What are you doing in a bit?"
     "Nothing," I groaned while sprawled lazily on my bed. "I'm bored. Was thinking of heading out to work."
     "But today's Thursday!" She sighed back as though it's the worst thing that can happen. What was up with her pointing out the days to me lately?
     "And? Like I said, I'm bored so why not go out and make money?" I stated with an eye roll.
     "No work, Luna. Get ready. We are inviting people over for a small party," she informed me.
     "Uhhh, what?!" I yelled back. Party? Here? No. Obsoletely not.
     "We have to spread our wings! This is the perfect chance to mingle. I promise it's only a few people. We can make some new friends, relax Friday, meet up with these new friends on Saturdays party, and relax Sunday. Bam! Just in time for classes on Monday!" She informed me as though she had put a lot of thought into it.
     I know I promised Mia to be 'yes' people but the semester hasn't even started yet. Don't I get a say if there will be a party at my own dorm or not? I can feel my nerves already starting to creep up.
     "Do I have a say in this?" I asked even though I already knew what her response would be.
     "Nope," She told me with a wink. "It's for your own good L. Both of ours."
     "Yeah, yeah," I grumbled. "I'll get ready, now go away."


     "Mia, who even are these people and where did you find them?" I asked in shock. Looking around, I saw no familiar faces. There was way too many people in here for my liking. Our dorm was super small and I counted more than 30 people so far.
     Before I could speak of it Mia replied, "well you would know their names if you bothered coming out of your room when I had asked."
     "So tell me," I asked in a sarcastic tone, "what are their names?" I crossed my arms and looked at her with a knowing smirk.
     "Uhh," she mumbled looking around frantically. "I think that girl is called Ashley?" Mia pointed to a red head across the room.
     "Really M, out of like 30 people you maybe know an Ashley?" I facepalmed.
     "Well, who cares," She feigned nonchalance. "They know us and we will learn their names... eventually. All we need to know is that we look good. And boy, we do look good!"
     I chose to go basic, as always. I wore black ripped skinny jeans with an old grey tee, finished off with my trusty converse and loosely curled hair. Mia was dressed the exact opposite. She chose to wear a light blue dress with a white undershirt. Attached at her arm was Brandon, who also kept it casual in a white crew tee, jeans, and... what the hell are those?!
     "Brandon, what are you wearing!?" I asked while trying to hold in my laughter. The innocent look he gave me made that task a lot harder.
     "What?" He asked with a sad yet amused smile. "These are my sandals. I didn't feel like wearing shoes."
     "Those are man-dals!" I laughed hysterically not able to hold it any longer. "Oh my gosh, you know how ridiculous I think those are! Sorry, not sorry."
     I continued to laugh, very unattractively I might add. Red in the face and sounding like a hyena I continued to laugh. Every wiggle of Brandon's toes sent me in a new hysteria. I started coughing on my own saliva.
     Someone patted my back in attempt to help my situation. This action only made me cough more though. Why did it suddenly feel like I was being electrically shocked with each pat? What the hell? I turned to my side in confusion when I started up yet another round of coughs.
     Kill me now.
     Standing to my right was, yeah you guessed it, Skylar. I couldn't breathe, this time I really really couldn't, due to the excessive coughing. Trying to catch my breath and take in his appearance all at once was a very difficult task but I still managed to appreciate him.
     Skylar stood before me in all his gorgeous glory. He was dressed very similar to me. Black ripped jeans, grey muscle tee, and converse.
      I was staring. Worse, I was red in the face, trying to catch my breath, and drooling.
     Wiping my drool I tore my gaze away to see Mia already looking at me with the biggest knowing smile. Great, I know I will never hear the end of whatever was going through that mind of hers.
     "You alright there?" Asked a perfectly deep, sexy voice.
     Washe talking to me? What do I say?! I couldn't look at him again without drooling. Would he think I'm weird if I answer while looking the other way? Oh my goodness it's already been too long to answer. Ground, swallow me up right now, please!
     "Dude, what the fuck!" Brandon broke the silence.
     Wait, did I miss something? Why is brandon mad?
     "Uh babe," Mia slowly said to Brandon while rubbing his arm. "He was just asking if Luna was ok."
     "No, not that. This dude here hardly says a word to us if he doesn't have to yet he comes over and asks L a whole sentence?!" Brandon exclaimed in disbelief.
     Huh, I was so lost.
     "Leave him alone, babe. He was probably just worried because she was coughing up a lung over your sandals." Mia replied in amusement. "And see, now you scared him off."
      As Mia said this I looked up and to see Skylar's back, walking out the door.
     He just walked off, again. I thought I was weird. So is he, apparently.
     "Hey Brandon," I asked curiously in a hoarse voice. "What do you mean he doesn't talk?"
     "That's it exactly," he replied. "Last year I didn't like him much. I thought skylar never talked because he thought he was better than us. Turns out he's a pretty cool dude, just doesn't talk if he doesn't have to. So I'm made it my goal to get him to loosen up. Who knew all I needed was for you to almost die." He laughed and then groaned as I punched his arm.
    'Interesting,' I thought. 'Very interesting.'

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