Chapter 5

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     "Are we done yet?" I asked Mia as I threw myself on the floor.
     "I think so," She said as she sat down beside me, looking around.
      Four days. That's how long it took us to unpack and decorate. Four long, long days. We woke up early, ate in, and stayed up late every damn day.
We out did ourselves though. Our dorm was smaller than last years dorm but we made it work. My room had a black/white theme. Simple, yet me. I hung up some random pictures and posters. Done and done. Mia's room was, of course, opposite of mine. She had a purple/white themed room, so her. She also had to make sure every tiny thing was spaced out perfectly and in the right place. But hey, it's not my room, to each their own. Our living room took about a day to agree on and another to work on. It consisted of a couch set, coffee table, big fluffy rug, and a small entertainment center with a medium sized flat screen, all with a grey themed. Just perfect. Not too over done but still trendy and comfy.
     Let's just say i was extremely exhausted. Call me lazy but I could have used a week long nap. Actually, that really was a good idea.
     "M, I'll be in my room for the next week. Don't bother knocking unless you have food to offer. Bye!" I yelled before lifting myself up off the couch. I didn't get far before I was pulled right back down by the back of my shirt.
     "I don't think so," Mia laughed as I fell back next to her like a sack of potatoes. "Do you know what today is?!"
     "Not your birthday, not my birthday, so nope, no day special," I pretended to think.
     "It's Friday, L."
     "And it's also 4:03 p.m." I stated back with a raised eyebrow. "Your point?"
     "What! It's already 4?!" Mia yelled in hysteria as she jumped up and starts pacing in front of me. "That means we only have 3 hours to eat, shower, and get ready! Oh no. Oh no, no, no!"
      "Uh, Mia?" I asked.
     "Hm?" She answered, mumbling under her breath, still pacing around the room.
     "What's going on?" I asked again, this time genuinely confused and a little concerned.
     "Friday, Luna, Fridayyyyy!" She dragged on like I should have known what was going on in that strange mind of hers. After looking at my still confused face she facepalmed and groaned. "Our first ever get together of the year! How do you not remember? Oh my gosh, how could I have forgotten? There isn't enough time!"
      Ok let me explain. Every year the University holds a 'get together' before school starts; it was more of a block party though. This gives students a chance to mingle, relax, and make new friends. It was actually a lot more boring than it sounded. There's some food trucks, games, and random booths set up. No one really participates. Everyone uses this as a chance to eat and scope out the next party or hook up. Waste of time, money, and resources if you ask me.
     "Mia, chill," I started. "Let's just get ready, meet your lover down stairs, and grab some food at one of the food trucks. K?"
     "You're not going to fight me on this?" She narrowed her eyes at me skeptically.
      "No," I said with an eye roll. "But I am just tagging along for the food."
      "I love you!" She yelled as she tackled me in a hug.
      "That's the only reason I do these things," I replied honestly as I pried her arms off of me. "And for food."


       Mia and I had been walking around for about half an hour. Not once have we stopped at any booths. Told you, waste of resources. Some students were trying to get you to sign up for a sorority or frat, some handed out free condoms and std pamphlets, and some had different options of insurances and what not. What a bore.
     I was bored, tired and hungry. The smell coming from the food trucks had made my stomach growl loudly. 'Feed me!' It was yelling.
      "I'm about to ditch you and go grub," I told Mia angrily, holding my stomach to exaggerate my point.
      "Chill, Brandon is almost here. He already text that he's on the way. Don't you want free food?" She asked, wriggling her eyebrows suggestively at me.
      Sighing in defeat, I said, "Fine, I give him five more minutes and I'm ditching."
      "No need L, he's right there," she pointed a few booths away. I didn't even bother following her line of vision before I turned and headed towards the line of food trucks.
      "Good, now lets go," I said as I stompped away already knowing that they will follow me anywhere. I had my choice picked out since we got here. The truck is named All for you. They served a little of everything. So that is what I will got; a little of everything. My stomach could not wait another second.
As I got in line I turned around to see my friends had joined behind me. I smiled a little knowing I was about to eat for free. Brandon always paid for me and Mia; plus side of being a third wheel.
     "Next!" The food trucker worker yelled.
     "Me first," I jumped forward. "I'll take a large soda, the double angus burger, curly fries, onion rings, roasted corn on the cob, fried Oreos, and lots of ketchup. And I'm with them." I blurted out my order by memory and then pointed back to Brandon as my payment.
     The cashier gave me the weirdest look. Was it shock or amusement? Maybe both? I was hungry so I honestly didn't care.
     "I'll get the table!" I yelled over my shoulder as I ran off to find one.
     Spotting a table at the edge of the sitting area I hopped over and sat down. I took this time to actually look around. I noticed different cliques of friends enjoying the day, as well as first year students looking around in awe. Did we look like that last year? I'm sure I did, or still do. I didn't make much friends last year. Just did what I had to do and not much more. I spent the last few years in a slump. The me I used to be was numb, tired of feeling, just going against the flow. I was done with her. My sanity, I think, depended on it.
     "Damn Luna, did you order for the whole table or just yourself?!" Brandon asked as he set my food down in front of me with an amused smile.
     I was about to respond when I suddenly got the chills.
     'Weird.' I thought while rubbing my arms, it wasnt even cold out.
      That was when I noticed someone walk beside me and head over to the other side of the table. A certain Adonis that is.  My heart started to go into over drive disabling my ability to hear or speak. Damn these nerves of mine! Breathe, Luna, breathe!
     "Thanks for the food skylar," Mia gushed as she sat next to me, nudging my shoulder in the process.
     'What?' Wait. Hold up. Skylar? As in Brandon's friend that helped us unpack, Skylar? That explains him being on my floor... Oh goodness, I really need to get a grip of myself if that meant he was going be around more.
     "Brandon didn't buy this?" I asked Mia in a hushed whisper.
     "Brandon got mine. Skylar got yours. So thank him!" She whispered back, nudging me yet again.
      'Oh no,' I thought. I'm going to be sick. My appetite suddenly took a u-turn. I was not good at talking to strangers. Especially, guys. Especially a hot guy that has had his face randomly stroked by me!
     Unable to lift my eyes I start placing the fries that were in my hand back down. What was I going to do?  Letting out a big sigh, I looked up in hopes to be able to muster up a smile in thanks, at least. When I do I let out a startled gasp. Skylar was already staring down at me. Those captivating green eyes had me in a trance. It was as though I was spiraling, falling into a deep abyss that I didn't want to emerge from.
     'Why was he staring at me like that?' His jaw was clenched so hard I'm surprised he didn't break teeth. Not knowing how to get out of this trance I just held onto it. Skylar suddenly shut his eyes tightly, breaking the connection before he turned away.
     'What the hell just happened?!' My mind is once again fried. I couldn't be here. I didnt know what was going on here but I didnt like it. I gathered my food together in a rush, ignoring all the curious stares.
     "I have to pee! I'll just eat this in the dorm! Bye!" I said to no one in particular as I ran off.
     'Don't fall. Don't fall. Don't fall,' I repeated in my head.
     Once I reached my dorm I finally released the breath I didn't know I was holding. My mind ws still in a fog. I numbly put the food away and made my way over to my room.
      TIme for some one-on-one.

Dear diary,
     Forget all the boring stuff that has happened up until now. I need to let something out. I saw the guy again. The one I face stroked... Yeah, him.
     His name is Sklyar.
     He, for some unknown reason, ended up buying my food today. Why though? I don't know the answer either. But that is not the weird part of this.  I felt him, diary. How can you even feel someones presence? I felt him before I even saw him. I got these random chills that rapidly spread through my body. not knowing what was happening I assumed a cool breeze blew through.
     I couldn't breathe, couldn't think, couldn't even hear over the sound of my heart beating out of my chest.
     What did any of this even mean?! I am already tired of trying to make sense of this all.
     I could not help but be reminded of a quote by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. 'We sometimes encounter people, even perfect strangers, who begin to interest us at first sight, somehow suddenly, all at once, before a word has been spoken.'
     But, does he interest me or scare me? Maybe... my interest in him scares me? I am not sure.
     This is...
    This is all too much too fast. I don't even know the guy and I was already overwhelming myself. I cannot, will not, let myself be caught up in him. I need to strengthen my mind.
     What was up with him anyways? See, there I go again, getting side tracked with his mysterious aura.
     For all that is good in the world, I hope I don't lose my sanity.
Yours truly, Luna Jacobs

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