Chapter 9

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   The rest of the party last night was uneventful. A few people tried talking to me but I was never one to hold a conversation; especially when my mind was elsewhere. I did not get to learn anyone else's name but I did find out that there was no Ashley in our dorm. I would tease Mia about this any chance I couuld get.
     I sat back at our kitchen island most of the night and observed all the cliques. No one really knew anyone else besides the friend or two that they brought with them. That being said, it was weird to watch different groups form. High school or not, people tended to gravitate to those who seem more like them. The cliques were obvious. There were the jocks, the nerds, the stoners, the ones that mingle with all, and then there was me; the socially awkward loner. Seemed about right.
     I never saw Skylar again. Was that a good or bad thing, I don't know. Speaking of Skylar, Mia has not stopped talking about him. 'Oh, you picked a green cup to drink from, is it because it reminds you of his eyes?' Or 'I bet you'd like Skylar to be an actor so that you can re-watch his movies all day.' It was really getting annoying and some of it didn't make any sense. I was just glad the night ended without any further disasters.
     Currently, Mia and I were sitting on our living room couch with popcorn, pizza, and drinks surrounding us in. Mia had picked the movie 'kissing booth.' Some sappy feel good movie about falling in love. Don't get me wrong, I love a good rom-com but instead of crying or wishing I was the main character, I rolled my eyes a lot. We all know the ending of the movie is, in reality, just the beginning of everything. Movies leave you putting together an actual ending to their story in your head. My made-up endings used to be about the characters moving in together, getting married, and having babies. Now... now my endings were more realistic. How do they see each other staying together after high school? Or, what if one cheats on the other? Or, what if they fall out of love with each other? Very realistic questions.
     "This sooo reminds me of you and Skylar!" Mia sighed dreamily while stuffing her face with popcorn. "Maybe we should set something up like this?!"
      Giving her a hard glare I replied, "stop with the damn Skylar this, Skylar that! I don't even know the guy. I haven't said a word to him and here you are practically planning our wedding. Stop Mia. Please."
     "Wedding?!" She replied with wide excited eyes. Oh no. "How did I not know it was this serious?! I better be the maid of honor!" Mia put a hand on her heart dramatically, trying to hold in her laughter.
     Face palm.
     I flipped my bowl of popcorn over her head. Ha, maybe that will knock some sense into her.
     "Kidding!" She yelled from under the bowl. "I was just kidding."
     "Come on Luna," she whined as she removed the bowl. "You cannot sit there and tell me you're not attracted to him. I'm deeply, deeply in love with my Brandon but I'm not blind. Skylar is drool worthy. Obviously." She chuckled at the memory of me literally drooling over him.
     "Of course, he's fucking beautiful. I'm not blind either. Still, means nothing." I shrugged.
     "That's horse shit. I see the way he looks at you," she started. "His look is always full of wonder and so much concentration. It's like he wants to figure you out so bad that it's killing him."
      I gave her a very unconvinced, one eyebrow raised look. "Puh-lease. That look is probably saying 'what the fuck is wrong with his weird-o! Every time I've seen him I've embarrassed myself somehow."
     "Then why did he talk to you and seem so concerned when, according to Brandon, he doesn't talk to anyone?" She argued.
     "I was literally dying in front of you and Brandon," I defended. "He probably thought no one was going to help me. Thanks for that by the way."
     "Awwww, so he's your knight in shining armor?!" She squealed.
     "How did you manage to turn that sappy again?" I asked annoyed.
     "It's truly a gift," she said proudly with a flip of her hair.
     "Can we please talk about something else? Anything else?" I asked out of desperation.
     "Fine. So, ‪tomorrow night‬ we are meeting up with Brandon before we go find a party to crash." She informed me.
     "Greattttt. Another party," I groaned.
     "No fighting me on these things. Remember our pact," Mia reminded me.
     "Yeah, yeah. Fuck it, why not. I got it," I let out in a huff.
     "I'm sure Skylar would like to fu—"
     "Nope! No. No. No. I'm done! Goodnight!" I yelled as I covered my ears and headed toward my room, slamming the door in emphasis.


     "Breathe," I told myself in my head. "Deep calming breaths. Concentrate. Ocean waves. Calming winds. Inhale: 1, 2, 3, 4, . Exhale:1, 2, 3, 4, . All is calm. Breathe. All is-."
     "Luna! Get your skanky ass out here and let me see your outfit!" Mia banged on the door.
     "Dammit M!" I yelled back in frustration. "I was doing my breathing exercises!" Lately, these exercises have long since been forgotten. I was hoping these will help me at the upcoming party. I hopped off my bed and opened the door to a very impatient Mia. Standing there under her angry glare I started feeling a bit self-conscious.
     "What are you wearing?" Mia asked in disbelief. "You are not wearing that. Change. Something nice this time," she demanded. "We are going to a party, not to school."
      I looked down at my outfit. Shorts, a band tee, converse. My usual comfortable choice. This is me, why do I need to change? I glanced up at Mia and noticed her look for today. She was wearing a red blouse, black skirt, leggings, heels, and her hair tied back looking sleek.
     "Fine," I agreed. "But I'm not dressing all fine and proper like you."
     "You wouldn't be you if you did," she smiled. "I'm helping! Let's go see this closet of yours."
     I lead Mia to my closet and set myself down on my bed. I actually loved when Mia dressed me. She never put her style into my outfit. If anything, she perfected my style with some of her glam, so I wasn't worried.
     "Perfect!" Mia said to herself, while climbing out of my closet minutes later. "What are you doing on your bed still? Put a little make up on girl, you look dead. I'll do your hair."
      Gee, thanks. "Just don't go crazy, k?" I asked quietly.
      "When have I ever gone overboard?" She asked with a raised eye brow. "You know what," she remembered with a laugh. "Don't answer that. I think I'll just make some waves to add volume to your hair. Nothing crazy, promise."
     "Okayyy," I gave in. Time for some more breathing exercises. 'Breathe in. Breathe out. Slowly in. Slowly out. 1, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2, 3, 4.' Let's hope this helps.
     "Done and done!" Mia sang as she pulled me up to the long mirror that we have in our living room. "Damn, I look good but you look sexy as fuck!"
     After an eye roll, I took in my appearance. Not bad. Mia chose a ‪small black‬ dress with a faux leather skirt, a blue jean jacket with spiked studs on the shoulder, and some thick heels.
     "I am so happy I have my own personal stylist," I complimented just as the doorbell rang.
     Still appreciating my outfit in the mirror I heard Brandon waltz in.
     "Holy Hell Luna!" Brandon exclaimed. "You clean up good! Finally getting those dresses out of retirement? What's the occasion?"
     "Haha," I said as I turned to face him. "New year, new us. Right Mia?"
     "Hell ya!" She yelled in excitement. "We are so going to get L laid tonight!"
     Wait. What the heck!?

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