Back Story

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Claudia Story

Claudia was raised a Christian. Her family went to Church and never skipped unless it was serious. She also make sure she does good deeds by volunteering at charities and homeless shelters. She does well in school and be kind to everyone she meet so she can get into heaven. She is in High School in her Junior year,she also is on the Swim Team Claudia isn't the most popular girl in school but she does have her own friend group that she hangs out with. 

This group of filled with her friends:

Niya; quiet/shy unless around friends, straight A student, met Claudia in Church

Angel; sometimes loud sometimes quiet, likes to write,is on Swim team, met Claudia through Swimming

Sasha; dramatic, loud, outgoing, in Drama Club, enthusiastic, sometimes annoying

Trinity; very loud and dramatic, likes to party, hook-up with a lot of guys, and is a heartbreaker

She loved her friends even if some of them were a little extra sometimes. But there is one problem that Claudia is having that has been bugging her for a few years now. Claudia is wondering when she'll start liking boys. For the longest time she has been wondering why she hasn't found any guys attractive. But then back in middle school she once heard the words gay and lesbian, so that night she went to her parents at dinner to ask what it meant.

At Dinner

Claudia: "Mother, Father, what does gay and lesbian mean?"

Both of her parents made a face of disgust.

Mother: "Gay and lesbian our sinful people that like their own gender, those people go to hell because as you read in the bible man is for woman and woman is for man."

Father: "Don't ever those sinful words in this house again, ok Claudia?" he said in a stern/strict voice filled with venom

Claudia shyly and slowly nodded her head.

End of flashback

Ever since that night Claudia has never brought the topic up again. She just told herself that she's probably a late bloomer and will start to like them later. After about a year of telling herself that, her mind forced her to believe.

Sha'Tanya Story

Sha'Tanya is this sassy girl with a just as sassy mouth, she just moved to North Carolina from Ohio. Back in Ohio she lived with just her mother because her dad left them before she was born. Her mother is usually never home because she's always out for business so Tanya is use to being home alone. Tanya also came out as lesbian a while ago to her mother but she didn't really care since she was in a rush for a business trip when she did.  While in Ohio she dated this one girl Bonnie. They had a good relationship, the whole school new that they was dating, there were a few haters here and there but it never bothered them. But when Tanya found out she was moving she went to Bonnie's house to explain and tell her they can make long distance work. It didn't end well.

Bonnie's House

Sha'Tanya texted Bonnie that they needed to talk, so right now Tanya is driving down to her house to talk since she was free right now. Once at her house she got out the car and knocked on the door. Bonnie opened it and gave her a quick kiss, after that they went to Bonnie's room and sat down on her bed. "So what did you need to talk to me about?" Bonnie asked.

 Sha'Tanya took a deep breath and told her "M-my mom is having us move down to North Carolina, but it's ok b-because I believe we can make long distance work!"

"Tanny" Bonnie said, trying to get her attention. "We won't be like other couples we'll make it work we can call everyday!" Tanya said desperately. "tan-" Bonnie said a bit louder, but was cut off by Tanya saying "A-and maybe I can try to save up money so I can come visi-".

Bonnie then had enough and yelled "SHA'TANYA! This won't work, if your not gonna be here then i'm breaking up with you." Tanya eyes started to water, then the tears started to flow, she was sad but then became boiling mad "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH, JUST BECAUSE I'M NOT GONNA BE HERE YOUR GONNA FUCKING DUMP ME FOR SHIT I CAN'T CONTROL, YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK YOU!" Tanya yelled then stomped out to her car and drove home crying, she then got home an went to her room to cry into her pillow. Tanya tried to stay positive. Who needs her, I don't, I don't need anyone right now, maybe i'll find the right girl for me at this new school, and she'll be much better than Bonnie, Tanya thought.

End of Flashback

Now Tanya is starting at her new school tomorrow, she was just going to try and find a main group to be with so she has at least some friends. But one thing she agreed on with herself is, she's taking a break from dating for now until she finds the right girl that won't break her heart.

A/n~  I wanted to try and write something that wasn't YouTube related and is just my own idea that I came up with, but do you like or not like, if you don't like you can just stick to the YouTube stories if you want it's ok. But i'm proud of this so i'm going to keep writing.

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