Chapter 16

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Claudia pov

After Tanya's mom left, Tanya said she didn't want to watch a movie anymore so we just went to her room and went to bed. The next day Tanya and I wake up to loud knocking on the door. Tanya looks at her phone and mutters, "Who the fuck is knocking at 7:32 in the morning on a Saturday?" She gets up and grabs a robe to put on and I grab one of her shirts that was on the floor. It was little big on me but I like it, it had Tanya's smell on it. I follow Tanya down stairs while sniffing the shirt. 

When we get to the front door, Tanya opens it and 2 police officers stand there. My eyes widen, what if my parents sent them here to have me brought back to them, or be sent somewhere like a anti-gay camp or worse?!? Tanya stands in front of me protectively, "Good morning officers, how can I help you?" Tanya says in a calm and cautious voice. "Good morning to you too ma'am. Are you Sha'Tanya Jackson daughter of La'Toya Jackson?" One of the officers say. Tanya nods her head slowly, "Yeah that's me, why?" she says cautiously. "I'm sorry to tell you this but your mother was found dead in a car crash last night" The other officer says sadly. 

Sha'Tanya pov

I just stare at the officers in shock. I don't even know how to feel, she wasn't in my life for most of it, but she... is still my mom. Out of the corner of my eye I see Claudia hug me, but I don't feel it. I don't feel anything actually, my body and my heart just feels numb. "I'm sorry for your lost, here are some papers that you need to fill out to plan the funeral. Again sorry for your lost" The officer says handing me papers but I can't move nor talk. Claudia takes them and the officers leave. Claudia then close the door and hugs me again.

"I'm sorry this happened. And I know this is a stupid question but are you ok? How do you feel?" Claudia says hugging me. I can't move my arms to hug her back but I find the energy to talk, "I-I don't know h-how to feel". "It'll be ok" Claudia whispers in my ear.

Time skip to about a few days later

Claudia outfit:

My (Tanya)outfit:

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My (Tanya)outfit:

After Claudia and I get dressed we get in my car and I drive to the funeral home

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After Claudia and I get dressed we get in my car and I drive to the funeral home. When we get there I see a bunch of family on my mom's side that I haven't seen since I was like 5. The workers at the funeral home helped me get in contact with everyone and make plans for the funeral. The police also said since I'll be 18 next year I can continue to live on my own. 

I open Claudia's door and we walk inside together, people kept coming up to us to say "i'm so sorry" or some other fake bullshit, but I grabbed Claudia's hand and kept walking until we got inside. When we get inside I just take Claudia to a quiet corner and lean against the wall. Claudia hugs me and doesn't say anything since she knows I don't want to talk. A pastor then announces that he'll be starting in a few minutes. Everyone starts walking to go get a seat. Claudia and have to sit in the first row since i'm family. 

The entire service I just sat there looking at the floor. Ever since the cops came by a week ago, I just felt numb inside. I feel Claudia nudge my shoulder and I look up. "Family is suppose to go up to the casket and say goodbye" Claudia whispers in my ear. I take a deep breath in and stand up. After I think my grandparents say goodbye while sobbing, it was my turn. I feel my self gasp as I see her just laying there, she looks peaceful. For the first time in a week I don't feel numb. Instead a thousand emotions hits me like a train. I feel so just angry with myself and my mother, I let out a yell and start sobbing as the floor got closer to me. 

But before that happens someone catches me.


I hold onto her like my life depends on it. She rubs my tears away with her thumb and shushes me. "Want to get some air?" She whispers. I nod my head as I continue to sob om her arms.Claudia has us sit down on the church's front steps and she just holds me as I cry. After a few minutes of me crying a man walks over to us. I don't recognize him then again I don't recognize anyone here. "Um, Hi, are you Sha'Tanya" The man says. I nod my head slowly still not lifting it from Claudia's shoulder. He then says "I don't know how to say this. But um i'm your dad."

Claudia pov

I stare up at the man with shock, Tanya head shoots up from my shoulder and glares at him. "What" she hissed. "I'm your father, the police contacted me and explain what happened to your mom." The man says more confidently. "No you are not, my father died years ago when he left me and my fucking dead mother!" She says raising her voice a little. A woman then comes up to the man and holds his arm while 2 kids, a boy and a girl, stand at her feet. "So this is the bitch you ran off with after you left us! You just left and started a new family like I never existed!" Tanya yells louder now. The man steps forward and tries to grab Tanya, "Ta-" he starts but she cuts him off, "Don't fucking touch me nor talk to me! Just stay with your new family and just pretend I don't exist like you did the last 16 years!" 

At that Tanya grabs my wrist and pulls me to the car. We get in her car and she speeds home. Neither of us said a word, I looked over at Tanya and she looked so mad and sad and it makes me feel bad that I can't do much to help her. After a few minutes Tanya parks the car and I see we're back at her house. She gets out and opens my door, when I get out she kisses me roughly which causes me to let out a small moan. Tanya then grabs my thighs and hisses "Jump". I jump and she catches and the carries me inside with out breaking the kiss. She carries me all the way up to her room and then lays me down on the bed roughly. I kind of like this rough side of Tanya if i'm being honest. Tanya then throws off her dress and unbuttons my shirt. After my shirt comes off she goes back to kissing me harder. "A-are you s-sure you want t-to do this?" I ask since I know she's in a bad place right now. Tanya says in between kisses "I need a distraction".

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