Chapter 1

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A/n~ btw Claudia is 16 and will be 17 next year while Tanya is 16 and will be 17 in Dec. this year, also their school bus comes at 7:15, also it's Tuesday and almost at the end of the 1st quarter

Claudia pov

I wake up to my alarm beeping. I look over to turn it off to see that it's 6:30. I sit up in my bed and pray to the heavenly father that i'm glad he woke me up another day. I then get up and slip on my slippers and head over to my bathroom. I shower, brush my teeth, then stand in front of the mirror and look myself up and down. My braids are laying neatly on my shoulders, my pimples are slowly but surely dissapearing, but then I look myself in the eyes, and give my daily prayer to Jesus that i'll find a boy at are school attractive or at least some what cute. I then remember that I volenteered to show a new girl around. I alwasy do helpful deeds like these. I'm going to make sure that she knows her way around and i'll show her my friends and maybe she can sit with us at lunch if she wanted to. I then send a prayer to Jesus that this new girl's day will go well , and she will be able to get through the day without anyone getting her way. I then go back in my room with my towel around my body and head for my closet. I then picked out an outfit for today.

I put this outfit on, I think it's cute and simple, plus it's a bit chilly today

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I put this outfit on, I think it's cute and simple, plus it's a bit chilly today. I then brush my hair and put it in a messy bun. When I finished I walked down stairs at 6:45. I head to the kitchen and see my mother over the stove cooking eggs and toast. My dad is sitting at the counter with a coffee mug and news paper. My 7 year old sister, is in the kitchen with mom, helping grab plates and forks and setting them down for evryone. My mom looks up from the stove and see's me "Good morning Claudia, thank God you woke another day." she says pouring the eggs onto everyones plates. "Amen" my dad and my sister Genesis say at the same time. I sit down at the counter with my dad while my mom and sister hands out toast. They both sit down next to us, and we all hold hands while my mom leads the prayer, before we start eating.

Sha'Tanya pov

I groan as I wake up to my alarm at 6:45. I turn it off and look around remembering that we moved and this is my new room. Most of are furniture is here except things like our beds and couches. My mom and I both had our own air mattress in our rooms. I get up and stretch then dragged my body to my bathroom. I take a quick shower and brush my teeth, my braids are a bit messy but i'll take them out this weekend. I walk back to my room and try to find an outfit that will leave a good impression for my first day. I settle on this

I then head downstairs and call out "Mom! You still home?" I get no response I go to the kitchen and see a note on the fridge

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I then head downstairs and call out "Mom! You still home?" I get no response I go to the kitchen and see a note on the fridge.

Dear Tanny,

I'm sorry I couldn't eat breakfast with you like I promised I had to leave earlier then expected, I didn't have time to cook but there is cereal and milk. The moving truck will be here around 6p.m . I will be back from this trip in about 2 months maybe 3. Have a great time at your new schools, you know the rules love you! <3 ~love mom

I ball up the note and throw it in the trash. I see it's already 6:55, I grab a pop tart, my bag and my car keys and go outside. I start driving to the school mentally preparing myself for this. I do remember a note from the school saying I'm suppose to go to the office to get my schedule and meet some kid who will show me around. Hopefully today won't be too stressful and I find some friends.

Claudia pov

I was at school, just getting off  my bus and started walking towards the flag pole, i'm going there because this is usually where my friends and I meet in the morning and afternoon. I lean against the pole and pull out my phone just scrolling through instagram. While i'm scrolling I get tackled but luckily the person catches me so I don't fall. I look up and see it's Trinity and Sasha that tackled me and Niya and Angel trailing behind them. "What up Bitch!" Trinity says with everyone in a circle. I glare at Trinity since she knows I don't like cursing. "I'm sorry" she says after a minute of me glaring. I stop glaring and smile. "So how is everyone today?" I ask the group. "Fantastic as always" Sasha says being her usual dramatic self. "I'm good my mom was being a pain in my ass this morning though" Trinity says rolling her eyes. "I'm ok, a bit worried about are swim competition." Angel says. I look at Angel and say "We're going to do great, I then look at Niya who gives me a thumbs up while not taking her eyes off her book. "Well guys I'll see you later I have to greet the new student at the office." I say heading towards the school. We all say are goodbyes. 

I reach the office and greet the receptionist, while I lightly lean against her desk. "How are you today Mrs. Blossom?" I say. "I'm great Claudia, also the new girl's name is Sha'Tanya and she should be here any minute." Mrs. Blossom says. I nod my head. "Oh there she is now" She says. I turn around and saw the prettiest girl i've ever seen, she is so beautiful. I know i'm staring but I can't look away, I look her up and down until are eyes finally meet and we stare at each other and I can feel my face blushing.

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