Chapter 5

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Claudia pov

I look away from Tanya when she winked at me since I felt my face heat up. Mr. Mattson talked more about the project and expectations. The bell then rung and Tanya walked up to me. I got up and grabbed my stuff, we both walked side by side to study hall. In the hallway I interrupted are silence "So at study hall i'm going to ask Mrs. Caroline if we can go to library to find books." Tanya nods her head as we keep walking. She then ask me "Is it ok if we go to your house after to work, my house isn't clean and we're still missing things from the moving truck." I turn towards Tanya with a smile "of course you can, my mom won't mind she always let me have company as long as my grades are up and I did my daily bible reading". Tanya nodded again and smiled. 

Sha'Tanya pov

Claud and I turn into what I assume is the study hall. Claudia then walks to the teachers desk with me trailing behind her. "Hi Mrs. Caroline, is it ok if me and Sha'Tanya go to the library to get research material for our project?" Claudia ask. Mrs. Caroline gives us a warm smile and said "of course! I hope you find what your looking for." Claudia smiles back and we both walk out the room. 

Claudia leads me to the library which is huge! It's way bigger then the one at my school, not many people know this but I secretly love to read, but don't tell anyone I need to keep my reputation. Claudia sees me looking at the library with my mouth hanging open like an idiot. I shake my head " i-it's just my old school's library wasn't this big." I mumble out with a blush creeping on my face. Claudia smiles at me while I walk away to look for books about Halloween. 

Claudia comes and joins me , we fine a few books that could help us with our research. As i'm looking at a few books on a shelf I glance over at Claudia and see that she's having trouble reaching for a book on a higher shelf. I chuckle lightly to myself and go up behind her. Are bodies are touching as I reach for the book, Claudia gasp a bit when she sees/feels me behind her, I grab the book and hand it to her. She grabs it and mumbles a thank you and walking to another aisle, her face was completely red. 

We continue looking for books, we decided that we had what we needed and checked out. We go to the check out with some old woman working. Once the librarian finishes checking out we take the books just as the last bell rings. "Well we should go to are lockers then head to the bus." Claudia says as we start walking to are lockers. I tell Claudia " I have my car we can just drive to your place." Claud looks at me with a amazed look "You have a car?!? my parents won't let me get one yet." I shrug "It was a birthday gift from my mom." We reach are lockers and grab what we need then head to the parking lot to my car. I open the passenger side door then I get in on my side. 

Claudia hops in a mumbles a thank you while putting her seat belt on and trying to hide her blush

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Claudia hops in a mumbles a thank you while putting her seat belt on and trying to hide her blush. I love how I can get so flustered so easily. "So can you give me directions to your place" I ask once we pull out of the school's parking lot. "yeah, i'll let you know when to turn." We then ride in a comfortable silence unless Claudia tells me when to turn.

Claudia pov

                                                                                   Claudia's House

We then reach my house and Tanya pulls into the driveway, my parents and sister won't be home for another few hours since my sister has soccer practice at our church

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We then reach my house and Tanya pulls into the driveway, my parents and sister won't be home for another few hours since my sister has soccer practice at our church. Tanya gets out of the car and I was about to open my door and get out but Tanya does it for me making my face heat up a bit, I say "thank you" and walk up the porch stairs and unlock the front door. "My parents won't be home for a while so we don't have to worry about them. Pleas take your shoes off though." I say slipping mine off and putting them in the shoe rack. Tanya does the same and looks around "nice place" she comments. "thank you, my parents bought it when they found out they was pregnant with me" I say. I start walking to the stairs, "We can work in my room, if that's ok?" I ask. Tanya smirks for some reason "that's great." I start heading up the stairs deciding to ignore it. Tanya trails behind me and I open my bedroom door. 

I go and plop down on my bed and start digging through my book bag getting out the books we checked out

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I go and plop down on my bed and start digging through my book bag getting out the books we checked out. Tanya enters my room slowly and looks around. "it's very pretty in here, not my taste but I like it." "thank you" I say again. Tanya sits next to me are thighs touching as I open the first book over both of are legs. I start reading it out loud. After reading the first 6 pages I look at Tanya and I see her staring at me like she's in a trance. "Is there something on my face" I asked starting to wipe my face with my hands in a panic." Tanya grabs both my wrist and hold them to my sides. "Nothing is on your face, you look perfect" she says looking me in my eyes. I blush and look down at my lap. Tanya lifts up my chin so i'm looking at her "don't hide yourself from me, I wanna see you when I talk to you." We both look at each others eyes. Tanya starts to close her eyes and lean towards me.

Sha'Tanya pov

I start to lean towards her closing my eyes slowly, Claud starts doing the same. Just as we were centimeters apart she shoves me away from her harshly. "What the heck is wrong with you! You almost kissed me! I'm a girl you sinner!" She yells and stands up getting away from me. My blood starts to boil "What the fuck do you mean sinner! You almost kissed me too! AND IT IS PERFECTLY FINE TO LIKE THE SAME GENDER YOU BASTARD! I'M LESBIAN!" She looks at me shocked then regains her posture "I don't want to speak with sinners" she says calmly. "DON'T FUCKING TALK TO ME YOU INCONSIDERATE BITCH, YOU OBVIOUSLY LIKED IT, SO WHEN YOUR READY TO EXCEPT YOURSELF AND OTHER PEOPLE LIKE ME OUT THERE THEN TALK TO ME" I shout with tears in my eyes. Why did I ever think we could work? I start grabbing my stuff and storm out and start crying I jump in my car and start crying more. I pull out the drive way and go home. 

Claudia pov

Once Tanya left I start sobbing into my pillow. What have I done? But I did the right thing she needed to know i'm not a sinner like her. But I really liked her, I wanted to be her friend maybe more... NO! I'm a girl, so I need to find a boy. But I can never talk to Tanya again, not after what she almost did to me. 

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