Chapter 15

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A/n~ Btw it's still the same day but a small time skip to the end of the day

Sha'Tanya pov

After Claudia and I said good bye to all of are friends, we head out to my car. When we get to my car I open the door for her like always. And as always she blushes and mumbles "Thank you". I then get in on my side and start driving home, Claudia and I sit in a comfortable silence. While I was driving, Claudia looks over at me with a excited expression. "What is it, Baby" I say glancing at her then back at the road. "I have an idea!" She says smiling. I chuckle a bit at her enthusiasm and say, "What is it?". Claudia was basically jumping in her seat and says, "We should order a pizza and have a movie night since it's Friday!".

"If that's what you want to do, Princess" I say. Claudia blushes at the nickname, i'm pretty sure that's her favorite one. We then continue are drive to my place in silence. When we get there I open Claudia's door and we walk inside. I set my stuff down on the floor and plop down on the couch and Claudia does the same while taking her phone out. I watch her as she dials Pizza Hut's number, while it rings she whispers, "What do you want?". 

"You" I say smirking at her, her face flushes a deep red. "I-i m-mean a-as in f-food" she stutters out. "I know i'm just joking with you, Baby. I like just regular pepperoni and stuff crust" I say after chuckling a bit. Claudia nods and starts talking to worker about are order. As she was talking, I came up with a idea. I scoot over closer to her and start kissing her sweet spot. She let's out a small moan and quickly says, "U-um s-sorry, m-my cat was m-messing with me". I continue to kiss her neck and watch her face as she tries to hold back moans. After about a minute or 2 she hung up. 

"W-what was t-that for! I-i was o-on the p-p-phone" Claudia whines. I continue kissing her neck while smirking, "I wanted to have some fun with my Princess, that's all" I say. Claudia let's out a small sigh while her head rolled to the side, allowing more access to her neck. I pull Claudia onto my lap, she's super light, or maybe i'm just strong. I turn Claudia so she is facing me, and kiss her lips. Claudia wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me back happily.

After a few minutes I hear the front door open, I quickly put Claudia down behind me so I can protect her. She looks at the door with a frighten expression as the door opens. A woman walks in with a purse and a suitcase. "Tanya! I'm hom- Oh there you are. What did I say about friends being over when i'm gone" She says. I look at her more closely and I can tell it's... my mom?!? I feel anger and rage bubble inside me as my mother closes the door behind her. 

"Um sorry..." She says looking at Claudia . "Claudia" Claudia says behind me quietly. "Sorry Claudia, but your going to have to leave, Tanya's not aloud to have friends over without permission" my mother says in a fake sweet voice. Claudia starts to get up but I grab her wrist, "She's not going anywhere" I say coldly while glaring at my mom. Claudia sits back down still hiding behind me. "Tanya, you know the rules" my mom hiss through her teeth.

I start getting more mad, "FUCK YOUR RULES!" I yell at her while standing up. My mother and Claudia both let out a gasp. "I'm your moth-" my mom starts to say but I cut her off. "You are not my mother! My mother died a long time ago when she left me everyday for the past 10 years! You have no right to even make rules, your never home so who cares! And Claudia's not going back to her horrible home, she's my girlfriend so she will stay here!" I scream at her. "G-girlfriend?" she says in surprise.

This just makes me more mad, she forgot i'm gay. "I'M GAY, I LIKE GIRLS! YOU WOULD KNOW THIS IF YOU WHERE HERE. AND I TOLD YOU YEARS AGO WHEN YOU WAS LEAVING FOR ANOTHER DUMB ASS CRUISE FOR WORK!" I yell at her. She stares at me in shock for a few minutes before she does the thing I least expected her to do. 


Tears start pouring down her face but I just keep glaring at her. "I-i-i'm s-so sorry" She says between sobs. "I-i've b-been a h-horrible m-mother" She says again while crying harder. "I don't buy it" I hissed at her. "Tany-" she says walking towards me but I back away and cut her off, "Leave me alone. Just don't speak to me and leave" I mutter. My mother wipes her eyes and says "I-i understand, i-i'll just go to a h-hotel tonight". "I don't care where you go, just not here" I mutter again. She just nods her head and grabs the bag she came in with and left, shutting the door slowly and softly like she was expecting me to forgive her at the last second.

After I hear her car pull away I stand where I was for a few minutes trying to gather my thoughts. I feel Claudia hug my waist from behind but I don't have the energy to hug back. "Are you ok?" She mumbles into my back. "I'm fine" I whisper, and we both knew it wasn't true.

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