Chapter 17

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Claudia pov

After Tanya said that I felt hotness go between my legs and I try to rub my thighs together but couldn't since Tanya is sitting between them. Tanya then breaks the kiss and pulls my skirt and panties off. She then goes and kisses this spot on my neck that causes me to moan and shudder at her touch. I feel her hand trail down my body and onto my...part. She rubs around this bump on my privates and I moan louder. I think I remember learning about it during health class, I believe it's called a clitoris but people call it a clit.

Tanya then stops sucking on my neck and goes next to my ear while slowly rotating her finger on my clit. She then whispers in my ear, "I want to try something new with you, but I understand if you don't want to" she says in that husky voice I love. "I-i'ts fine, I-I trust you" I stutter out since she's still teasing my clit. Tanya then get's off of me and goes to the bedside table and pulls out something that has straps and a pink thing hanging from it. Tanya then lays back on top of me and holds the thing in front of me to see, "This, is a strap on. I'm going to put this on and use it on you, it's to simulate what guys do while fucking but instead a girl can use it." she says while putting it on. I nod my head slowly as I sit there whimpering quietly waiting for her to touch me again.

Once Tanya puts it on and the pink part is near my area, Tanya looks at me and says with a sincere voice, "I know your still new to this whole sex thing so i'll go slow but if you ever want me to stop just tell me and I will. I just want you to be comfortable". I nod my head to show I understand what she is saying. That's one thing I love about Tanya, no matter what we are doing she want's me to feel safe and comfortable. 

I then watch as Tanya moves her hips forward and I feel the pink thing start to enter me, I whimper a bit but tell Tanya "I'm alright, keep going". Tanya nods and pushes more of it in, I then start whimpering more and she stops. We sit there for a few minutes before I nod my head and Tanya keeps going. Now I can't see anymore of the pink and Tanya stays like that for a bit waiting for me to get use to it. After a few minutes I really want her to move but it's so embarrassing to say it out loud. The pink part is pushing right on this part inside that if I move a inch I get filled with this amazing  tingly feeling. 

"T-tanya, c-can y-you um" I say feeling my face heat up. Tanya looks me right in the eyes with a smirk and say, "What do you want princess? Say it, you got to ask for what you want." Tanya then moves her hips like a centimeter and I let out a moan, "P-please!" I yell in frustration. "Please what, Baby?" Tanya taunts again. "P-please c-can you m-move?" I beg. "Of course, Sweetheart" Tanya says sexily before starting to thrust her hips hard and fast. I start moaning loudly and I think I hear Tanya moaning too. "F-faster p-please" I whisper through moans. Tanya then starts slowing her thrust, "What was that, Princess?" She taunts again. "FASTER!" I yell. Tanya then starts thrusting so much faster then before.

After a few minutes I feel a tight and warm feeling in my stomach again, and I hear Tanya grunting under her breath "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck". I then tell Tanya in between moans, "I-i'm close". Tanya then brings one of her hands down to my clit and starts rubbing it fast, "Cum for me, Princess". I then feel liquid squirt out of me as I moan loudly and start panting. Tanya then let's out a high pitch moan also and thrust starts getting slower before she completely stops and pulls out. "T-that... was a-amazing" I say in between breaths as I feel my eye lids get heavier. "Thought you might like it" Tanya says while taking the soaking wet strap on and putting it back in the bedside drawer. She then lays down next to me and pulls the covers over us and I snuggle up to her chest listening to her breathing start to even out. "I love you" I whisper. "I love you too, Princess" Tanya mumbles before we both drift off to sleep.

Time skip to Monday

Sha'Tanya pov

School was going ok so far, a lot of people some how knows about my mom. So a bunch of random people keeps walking up to me and says "Sorry for your lost". I still don't know how to feel about the situation, whenever I think about it I just feel numb inside again. It's finally lunch thankfully, I've been ready to eat all day. When Claudia and I get to the cafeteria we see all of are friends there and Trinity sitting next to some guy. I look over to see Claudia with a surprise face, and then she starts to walk to the table faster. I jog behind her trying to catch up. 

When I get to the table I put my stuff and try to catch my breath, running isn't my thing. "Who is he?" Claudia ask. "Trinity's new boyfriend"  Sasha hisses. I can easily tell she's jealous, I totally ship it. "His name is Leo, I met him over the weekend, and asked him out." Trinity says happily. Sasha rolls her eyes and keeps eating while glaring at the dude. "Well, um hi Leo. I'm Claudia and this is my um..." Claudia says, her face turning red. "Good friend" I finish for her. Leo just nods and continues eating. Claudia and I sit down also and eat, we all sit there kind of uncomfortable.

After the awkward lunch Claudia and I leave and head to are lockers to get are books for are next class. As we were walking a familiar happy voice screams my name, "TANYA, GURL IT'S ME"

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