Chapter 30

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Warning: Mentions of Rape and Bullying

Sha'Tanya pov 

Claudia left for the bathroom almost 15 minutes ago and I'm starting to worry. Clearly I'm not the only since I see Trinity's eyes darting to the cafeteria's entrance every so often. Trinity and I then made eye contact and had a silent conversation, after a few seconds we both stood up and she said: "We'll be back guys, don't wait up for us after lunch". We both then start to speed walk out of the cafeteria, "I'm worried about her, she's been acting weird and jumpy for a few days now" I say. Trinity then says, "Oh good, I thought I was the only one who noticed that". 

We get to the bathroom and it's locked? Trinity and I look at the door in confusion, we then hear "Don't worry, you'll enjoy this since your a faggot". That voice sounds familiar? "S-stop l-let go of me!" we hear another voice say. "Claudia?!?" Trinity and I say in unison. I then grab the door handle and start baning my shoulder against the door, even though it hurt I kept going. I refuse to let Claudia get hurt under my watch. I ram into the door one more time and it burst open, Trinity and I immediately rush in to see that mother fucker on top of my girl girlfriend and her hand shoved inside her.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" I yell as rage continues to boil inside me. Becky looks up at us with surprise but quickly covers it with a smirk. She then smacks Claudia's face and starts to stir awake, "Look Faggot, it's your girlfriend" the Bitch says. "H-help" Claudia chokes out. I let out a low growl and charge Becky. I grabbed her by the throat and pushed her into the wall, "What the fuck is wrong with you?! Claudia never hurt anybody, a-and you rape her!" I shout in her face after I punched her in the nose. Beck just wipes her nose and says, "Your kind deserves this".

"Your sick" I hissed at her. I then punch her in the face again but this time she blocks it and punches me. But I just shake it off and tackle her, I continue to punch her in the face as more and more blood gets on my fist.

Trinity pov

As Tanya continues to beat the living shit of that bitch, I quickly walk over to Claudia and see that she keeps going in and out of consciousness. "I know it's a dumb question but are you ok?" I ask as I gently pull her closer to me. "E-everything hurts w-waist down" She says in between sobs. "sssh it's ok, we got you now and we're going to get payback on that Bitch anyway" I tell her in a soft voice. I then look back up at Tanya to see her punching a very bloody Becky. I lay Claudia back on the ground softly and go over to Tanya. I grab Tanya's fist and pull her away, when she turns to me there's even more blood on her and she's crying. "Why the fuck would you do that?" Tanya hisses at me.

"I don't want you to get charged for murder, Tanya. Plus your girlfriend needs you right now" I tell her. Tanya just nods her head and walks over to Claudia, she sits next to her and pull Claudia into her lap and hugs her. "Trin, can you please get the nurse and principal," Tanya says not looking away from Claudia. I nod my head and jog out the bathroom and to the front office.

Time skip to Saturday

It's been a few days since... the incident and Claudia is still quiet but better. Ever since that day Becky was expelled and arrested for 2 years, I also took Claudia to the hospital and she's thankfully ok with no rips or infections. She's just a bit sore and stretch so we're not allowed to have sex for a few weeks. It is currently Saturday and I'm taking Claudia to a nice picnic. We're already dressed and after I grabbed the picnic basket we head outside.

Tanya's outfit and hair:

Tanya's outfit and hair:

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