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The room was full of strangers grinding on each other while she shoved people trying to find Emily. After we finished taking pictures, Violet and I headed towards where our party was going to be held in. When we arrived close to almost sunset, I saw people from college and some pack teens dancing the night away. Violet and I made a grand entrance while everyone hooted at both of us and gave us their happy birthday wishes and continued on dancing.
She was surprised that people actually talked to her. Some girls came up to me and gave me a hug and told me that I looked way better than Violet, that at least I didn't look slutty. Shrugging them off I thanked them while they left searching for some more booze. I felt uncomfortable taking all these compliments. What I really wanted was to go home and snuggle in my warm comfy bed sipping some hot chocolate.

This party was strictly for young werewolves only. No parents, no authorities to stop the underage drinking, nothing. Somehow this screamed disaster. I could feel it.
After a couple minutes she finally found Emily talking to a group of girls. She pulled her aside from the other girls and asked if she's seen Violet.
"No I haven't. Actually I may have or may have not. Not pretty sure if it was her though."
"Why do you say that?" She frowned at her folding her arms across her chest.
"Well, she went upstairs with a guy," she emphasized slowly.
It could be that it was Xavier and they were celebrating that they were mates. Her heart throbbed at the thought unsure why though.
"Okay thanks anyways," I made sure my voice didn't crack, I didn't want to alarm her.
I turned to leave but Emily grabbed her arm pushing her to the dance floor.

"Let's dance!"

Finding no excuse to reject her offer, I agreed. Finding a nice spot where no one could hit me in the face with their crazy dancing, I began to sway to the music. My hips moved on their own finding the beat to the song while I hummed the lyrics. Hands wrapped around my waist and I leaned back into it finding myself in a trance. I felt the someone kiss down my neck and I shivered as his hands trailed down my arms. I felt his rough hands cup my breast and I gasped in pleasure as my nipples hardened. My heart was thumping loudly loving how his hard chest felt behind my back side. I don't know why I'm letting him touch me but I really liked it. It was my birthday and I've never done such a thing so why not enjoy if for as long as it lasts?
"Mate," he whispered in my ear with a husky voice.
The lights suddenly turned off and I opened my eyes trying to find a light source. The hands were gone leaving coldness in his place. I felt...lonely without his touch anymore.
Girls screaming brought her back from her thoughts and I rolled my eyes at their stupidity. It's just the dark.
Suddenly, men burst through the room holding guns while people tried to look for an escape. Frantically I looked around seeing if Emily was in any type of danger. Emily was standing still staring at the masked covered men. I screamed telling her to get away from them but Emily looked as if she couldn't move. Like she was stuck.
In horror, one of the men glanced at Emily and began walking towards her. I could see the lust in the man's eyes and likewise to Emily. She ran up to his arms and gave him a long passionate kiss like lovers who haven't seen each other in decades.
An arm clamped around my arm pulling me out of the room as I watched Emily smiling at the man and allowing him to take her.
Drake was telling me to run but all I could see was my best friend leaving with those monsters.
And we didn't even eat cake.
Till this day I've never brought up that night. The day Emily left with that stranger. No one else knew but me, why they came. They were there for my best friend. The next day Emily was back, like she didn't even leave in the first place. I wanted to ask her where she went but all I got was a hard look from her. It did hurt that she doesn't trust me with this, I let it slide anyways. I could tell that Emily was hurt that night and I really want to know what happened.
Right now, Emily and I were watching a movie and I just stared at her wondering why she went that mysterious guy. She knew she wouldn't get answers from her if she asked again.
Emily turned to stare at me and gave me a frown.
"What's wrong Ava?"
I opened my mouth to tell her what indeed was bothering me but I couldn't seem to muster up the words. Instead, I told her about what happened with Violet.
"You shouldn't have agreed."
"I know but she's my sister," I pleaded.
"But he's your mate," she threw back.
I sighed staring at my hands. I'm not sure if Violet even knows the guy she's in love with is my mate. I wonder if she did know would she still marry him.
Marriage between mates is something so special that everyone loves to attend the ceremony. A werewolves wedding is similar to a human one but just a bit differently. Yes the bride wears the traditional white gown and there are the maid of honor and best man. At the end there hands are enter wined with this lace like ribbon and if it breaks, it means that the moon goddess doesn't accept their marriage. That rarely ever happens though.
Somewhere deep inside, she wished that the goddess wouldn't accept their unity.
If you get confused from her birthday party just wait on till the next chapter. It will make a lot more sense I promise. Lavender's mate is Xavier if you didn't quite get it. Yes it is Violet's boyfriend and "mate."

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