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A loud banging sound was what woke Ava up from her cozy bed. It put her on high alert as much even. I searched around the room for any types of danger; finding none I lowered my guard still a bit cautious.

Another bang sounded and hurriedly I raised myself from the empty bed with both covers littered on the ground. She wondered where Emily went and I was going to call out her name but then the banging got much more persistent and set it aside. I ran down the stairs, luckily not tripping over my bare-feet.

Riley was looking in my cabinet hand in hand with a spatula, startled hearing my presence. Sizzling bacon traveled up to my nostrils making my stomach growl in hunger telling me that some popcorn from yesterday was no sufficient dinner.

"Good morning Ava, I'm sorry if I woke you up I decided to make some breakfast for you letting me stay the night."

She smiled. She hadn't had anyone make her breakfast before, except for when she lived with her parents and that was even rarely.

"You didn't have to Riley, but thanks." I slid in the bar stool and yawned glancing at the time.

Six-fifteen!? My eyes nearly bulged out and that wouldn't be good she thought. Gosh dammit I'm not an early riser, far from it in fact. The only reason I wake up early is for school and that is about it.

"Honey! I'm home!" I jumped as the front door slammed shut, frowning when Drake came into the kitchen.

"What smells so good babe," he gave me a pat on the head leaving me even more confused. Riley was staring at us in a creepy way and squealed as Drake gave me a kiss on the cheek. Gross. I wiped his
slobbery mucus off my cheek.

"This is your mate!?" She jumped up and down not being able to
contain her excitement. I rolled my eyes and switched them to a smirking Drake.

"Yes," he whispered staring right into my eyes. I gulped and pushed my glasses higher up my nose, gosh dammit why did he have to come this morning of all these times!

Then again, Violet thought Drake was my boyfriend so why couldn't Riley think that too? Of course a boyfriend is not the entirely the same as mates but they were somewhat similar even if not much.

"You guys are so cute! Anyways," she said after composing herself, "let me just finish making the food then you can wake up Emily and we can all eat."

"Wait- Emily isn't upstairs."

"She isn't? I didn't see her when I was down here."

"Maybe she went home," I suggested. It didn't answer why Emily hadn't told me when she was leaving. She knew it would worry me.

"What are we going to do today...babe."

I narrowed my eyes and gave him a death glare, she couldn't say not to call her that when Riley was standing right next to us. This is in no means forgotten.

"I was planning on going out."

This was true. I had plans to go to the library to get some books to read. I have already finished the ones I checked out.

"Do you mind if I join you?" He asked with a hint of humor in his eyes.

Yes, I do mind.

"Of course not, honey, you can join along to a trip to the library."

He smirked when I called him honey but then the rest of the words sucked in, then his eyes widened and groaned wimping.

Ha take that.

His eyes again lit up evilly and his smirk came back full on. Uh oh.

"So by library, you mean like in the college library?"

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