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Before Emily could explain further on the situation, I butted in. Not that I don't trust Riley with my personal life, but she is Violet's friend, besides Xavier wouldn't dare kill Drake. Would he?

"It's probably just a joke," I laughed nervously hoping Emily got the hint.

"Yeah, maybe it's a person from any of your classes? That kid Erin seems like the creeper type of guy, you know full on beard, greasy slob? Always staring at you, Erin?"

I shared a secret thankful smile to her, "You know, you're right! I'll just have a talk to him on Monday."

Riley just laughed shaking her head, "You guys are so weird, I'm glad I met you both, Violet was getting on my nerves."


"I don't know, she always wants things perfect and stuff."

"Finally!" Emily shouted, "someone who understands me!"

Rolling my eyes I sighed leaning back into the couch. What I really need to do was talk to Xavier and sort this mess out. He was marrying Violet, he shouldn't be saying those things. He lost that privilege a long time ago.

Riley yawned standing up, "I'm gonna go, I'm really tired."

"Why don't you stay the night?" I suggested, "You know about the rogues in this area-" I shut my mouth thinking about Emily's dad, I turned to stare at her seeing if my words affected her.

Looking at her face she looked like she was about to cry, suddenly she ran out the room but hearing her going up the stairs, I knew she would be okay for now.

"What was that about?"

"Nothing, I'll let you borrow some extra clothes and you can sleep in my other guest room."

We walked up the stairs and showed Riley where everything was in case she wanted to take a shower or something before heading to where Emily was.

I pressed my ear against the door hearing some sniffles, I knocked before I entered the room. Finding Emily on top of the bed with her face buried in the covers, I instantly felt guilty. If only I hadn't said those words.

"Hey are you okay?" I touched her arm and rubbed it a bit trying to comfort her.

She didn't answer for a few minutes. "Yeah, I wish my dad never died Ava, he was my life, my mom's mate, he was everything. You know how my mom is now, barely being able to wake up in the morning dreading another day with out him."

"Did I ever tell you that she almost killed herself?"

I widened my eyes and shook my head. When did this happen? Why didn't she tell me!

"Yeah, I found her passed out on her bed with pills in her hand. I thought she needed space so I left her alone for a few hours. Luckily the pack doctors were able to save her, sometimes I wish she died that day so I would never see that empty lifeless face ever again. The doctors say it was a miracle, she consumed too many pills and if I were to arrive a minutes later, she would've died."

"She never said that she wished I never saved her but I see it in her eyes."

"I'm so sorry Emily, I wish I was there for you, I wish this never happened."

I've never seen Emily cry and right now I really didn't know what to do. I'm the usually the one that cries and she always knows everything to say to comfort me. It hurts seeing her like this.

"I found my mate," she whispered.

"What? When?!"

"The night of your birthday, when those men came in the back clothes, he was there, among them."

"That's great Emily!" I smiled cheerfully ate her.

"Those were the rogues that killed my father."

What!? Oh god she doesn't deserve this. "How did you know?"

"When I smelled him, it was the same scent around my father's body."

"I confronted him, he said that he didn't know that he was my father but he doesn't regret it. You know what he told me? My mate said that he was actually happy that he killed him, turns out my dad was a murder, he killed many children in his rogue pack."

I gasped out loud. Emily's dad? A murderer? It couldn't be! He just doesn't seem like the type. Mr. Jacobson was a quiet reserved guy, he even helped out with the day care for christ sake! I couldn't believe it!

"I slapped him so hard Ava, I kicked him, I yelled at him, I said I never wanted to see him again. But I can't help but love him. I hate myself for it."

"I guess our mates didn't turn out what we expected to be huh?" I smiled weakly and snuggled up to her.

"Forget them Emily, they are the ones who don't deserve us, we could do so much better with out them."

She smiled through her tears and closed her eyes quickly falling asleep.

I couldn't help but think of what I said before I too closed my eyes. They were lies, I can't do much better with out Xavier.

Two updates in a day!!! :) Hopefully this made a bit more sense. Thanks for the reads!

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