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⚠️WARNING⚠️ attempted suicide in this chapter

Todoroki POV

I failed. Of course I failed I just hope that ass who basically attacked me during the rescue mission failed as well. Then it occured to me I would have to tell my father.

"SHOTO" his voice boomed through the hallway sending me into a panicked freeze. He burst into my room "I hear you failed the license exam. I am very disappointed" I zoned out thinking about how I hated the way he made me feel, not that I was allowed to say anything.

I had heard the same speech when I lost to Bakugo at the sports festival and when he found out I didn't have the highest score at the entrance test. "And that is why you will be coming with me to train every weekend" great that's the last thing I want to do. He stormed out to the car and waited for me to follow.

That weekend dragged and by the time I had to go back to my dorm I was bruised cut and burnt. The burns didn't bother me much because I knew the fire half of my quirk meant these particular burns would heal fast. I got out the car and heard my father mumble about how I was a waste of talent, completely useless and the one that hit me hard was when he mumbled "even Toya would have passed" great now he's comparing me to my dead brother, thanks for that confidence boost.

Luckily it was late so everyone was in their room or so tired they hadn't noticed the absolute mess I was as I stumbled to my room. I couldn't stop thinking about my fathers mumblings and how it made me feel like he would be better off without me. That was the answer. I could end it all with one simple action. I didn't have to be my fathers biggest regret.

I quickly wrote an apology letter for what I was about to do and addressed it to my friends. I jammed it into an envelope and left it on my desk before heading to the bathrooms. I checked the time 6:50 that gave me forty minutes before people would start to get up for school. I searched for razors and when I found one I used it to cut my arms. I watched as the blood gushed out of my arms until I blacked out.

Bakugo POV

I woke up before that damn alarm again. I checked the time almost 7am. I could have gone back to sleep for another half hour but I would have been even more irritated when my alarm did go off. I decided to go for a shower instead.

I grabbed my uniform and a towel before heading to the bathrooms. I threw my uniform into my locker and went to get out of my pyjama bottoms when I noticed something red on the floor. The fuck I was still half asleep but I followed the stream of red until I saw... Icyhot

Oh shit it occured to me that this stream of red was blood, his blood.  I dropped whatever I was still holding and picked the half'n'half bastard up. Recovery Girl should be in her office by now, school starts in an hour, no, forget school, this idiot needs help I thought as I quickly but quietly made my way to the recovery room.

I banged on the door, probably a little too loud. I waited what felt like hours but had probably only been seconds. I banged on the door again "OI YOU IN HERE!" I  yelled just before she opened the door. Seconds later she had seen to his wounds and came back to me "he'll be fine, you want to stay with him until he wakes up?"

I didn't want to seem like I had gone soft but I also felt the need to keep an eye on him. "Yeah whatever" I grumbled "wait, could we keep this between us at least until I can figure out why?" I added before she could leave.

I'm back!! Let me know in the comments what you think so far

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