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Midoryia POV

I noticed him tense up at that question. Something was going on "if he hurt you, you can tell me" I said worrying that maybe Kacchan had hurt one of my best friends. "Thank you Midoryia but I'm fine I didn't know it was him who had knocked, by the time I got to the door he had gone" he replied.

Maybe he changed his mind about visiting Todoroki. Although thinking about it he hadn't been in class yesterday either.

Todoroki POV

I hate lying to him but I also can't tell him the truth either. That would ruin Bakugo's reputation. Besides if I tell the truth he'll want to know what had been wrong which I really don't want to get into today.

Lessons went on as usual. I guessed that the dart this morning had hit Asui because Bakugo seemed to be slightly nicer to her today. There was the usual amount of yelling from Bakugo, sleeping from Mr. Aizawa and general loudness from Mr. Yamada. It almost made it seem like yesterday never happened.

Before I knew it the end of the day had arrived. I slowly headed back to my room basically ignoring the invites to go out with my friends. I just didn't feel like going out but I also couldn't tell them why. I didn't want to burden them with my problems.

Much to my surprise Bakugo was waiting for me outside my room with food. "Did you think I didn't notice you not eating at lunch time. You thought wrong now lemme in and eat" of all the people to notice things I wasn't doing I hadn't thought it would have been him. "Why do you keep helping me?" I asked as I let us both into my room. I threw myself on the bed as Bakugo shut the door.

"Because I am. Because I know that you won't ask your idiot friends for help. Because I know you need help even if you won't admit it. Because I... care... there I said it... you happy"

Bakugo POV

"Because I... care... there I said it... you happy" I finished my sentence and looked over to Todoroki who had broken down into tears again. Who knew this boy had all this bottled up sadness. I surprised even myself when I gave him a hug. "Did I say something wrong?" I asked curiously.

"N-no i-it's just y-you said y-you c-care a-and that m-means a l-lot es-pecially c-coming from y-you" he stuttered between sobs. Wow this boy really believes nobody cares "yeah like I said last night we're friends now" I sighed and rolled my eyes "you're part of the Bakusquad" I hated that phrase but in this case it felt needed.

He looked up at me shocked "you know they call themselves that" he laughed a little. He actually had a nice laugh. It was nice to hear especially after seeing how broken he had become. The next day was the start of the course we had to complete for our provisional license. This is going to be a long six weeks I grabbed what I needed before meeting Icyhot outside.

Five weeks had passed and we had also become pretty good friends. Not that either of us showed it in front of anyone else. No that would be weird especially since he was friends with Deku. We kept our friendship between the two of us. It was Friday so lessons started later than usual, after I had finished yelling at the germs in my mouth I started breakfast.

"Oi Icyhot you better not run off to class without eating breakfast again" I gestured to the plate of food I had cooked for him. We sat at the table eating when Shitty Hair strolled in he's earlier than usual. "Yo Bakubro that smells awesome! Mind if I... wow... you and Todoroki having breakfast together" he paused "do I sense a friendship here"

We ended up telling him that we had become friends because of the extra course we were taking. I was sure the others had probably noticed I wasn't being as aggressive towards Todoroki, but as with the rest of my idiot friends I still called him names.

Another week passed and it was time to take the final exam. My alarm clock went off and I threw it at the wall to get it to shut up "SHUT THE FUCK UP STUPID ALARM" I yell angrily before getting dressed in my school uniform and heading down to the bathroom.

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