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I'm back from con so here have a new chapter hope you enjoy it

Bakugo POV

Dabi? The fuck does he have to do with anything? I paced for a while until they basically kicked me out. They said he wouldn't be waking up until after the surgery and that they would let me know straight away when he was out. They also insisted I go back home and then school in the morning.

Yeah because I'm seriously going to be able to fucking concentrate at school while my boyfriend is in hospital for fuck knows how long. I stormed back to the dorms and hoped that someone would be a distraction but by the time I got there everyone else was asleep.

I tried to sleep but I couldn't. First of all because Sho was in hospital alone and they wouldn't let me stay and secondly I couldn't get what he said out of my damn head. I stopped outside Shitty Hair's room and contemplated my next move for approximately five seconds before banging on his door.

"OI ASSHAT WAKE UP AND LEMME IN!" He did and damn he looked awful "what's wrong with you?" I asked. "I... I think... I might be... ACHOO... a little sick" he paused "what did you... want?" He asked. I wasn't sure how to word it so I stood there like a dumbass for a while "I... I guess... Shoto... hospital... surgery... Dabi... brother?" I couldn't even form a full sentence and I could see the confusion growing on my best friends face.

I thought I had figured it out but there was still so much about my theory that didn't add up. Kiri let me in and plopped himself on his bed. "Care to ACHOO explain?" I sat down and tried to think of the best way to say what was on my mind.

"So... they're taking Sho into surgery tomorrow morning... they gave him this weird pink shit that basically knocked him out for the night but before he passed out he said his older brother, Toya, isn't actually dead... the weirdest part is that I think he was trying to tell me that Dabi... you know blue flame villain... is actually Toya"

It didn't even make sense to me and I was the one explaining it. "But it doesn't make sense for them to be the same person... or maybe it does... I don't know anymore" and then I started to think about Shoto. "What if... what if Sho is so badly hurt they can't save him? They wouldn't tell me much" I could feel tears start to escape "I-I can't... I can't lose him again Kirishima... I just can't" and just like that I was crying.

I loved Shoto more than anything and just the thought of losing him again hurt. It hurt to see him the way he was. It hurt knowing I couldn't be there at the hospital for him. It hurt thinking there was a chance he wouldn't make it. It hurt not knowing exactly what was wrong. Most of all it hurt that it was my fault.

Next thing I knew it was morning and I was waking up. I could hear my alarm and I went to grab it except I couldn't feel it. In fact, I couldn't feel the bedside table it should have been on. I opened my eyes to reveal that I had passed out in Shitty Hair's room. "HEY WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME?!" I asked as Shitty Hair got up off the floor "dude you were exhausted and ACHOO to be honest I didn't want you to be on your own. Not after ACHOO last night"

"No I just figured you could use the company"
"Oh, thanks, I guess" I mumbled. I left his room so I could get ready for school. "Don't even think about coming to class today. Look after yourself okay dumbass"

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