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Todoroki POV

I tried to ignore the thoughts that were spiraling through my head. I tried to tell myself that Bakugo was different. It was no good. All the self doubts I had been holding back for so long had come rushing back. I needed to get away.

"Mr Aizawa, may I go to the bathroom?" I asked trying to hold myself together. He nodded and I got up to leave. I barely made it to the bathroom before breaking down. It had been a while since I had experienced a panic attack like this. In fact this had to have been the worse one yet.

I heard footsteps outside and forced myself to move into a stall locking myself in just in time for the door to open. "I know you're in here Icyhot" with that I let my tears fall. I struggled to unlock the door and push it open. Bakugo walked over and pulled me into a hug.

"You wanna talk about it?" I just about heard him ask over the sound of his heartbeat. That had to be the most relaxing sound, the sound of this hothead's heart just doing its job. I calmed down and stopped crying "you ready to talk now?" He asked.

"I think I would prefer to not talk about it" I answered still listening to his heart. "Okay but you know you can't keep it bottled up forever and I'm here for you. No matter what. I'll always be here for you" nobody had ever seen this side to him and I felt honoured that he would show it me of all people.

He wiped my left over tears away and helped me look more presentable before he left the bathroom. The bell rang for lunch and I headed straight for the dorms. I got to Bakugo's room just as he did and he let me in. "I got some takeaway on the way over" he stated holding up a bag. That would explain why we got here at the same time.

We sat in his room and ate. Neither of us needed to say anything. He may have looked over to me a couple times, probably making sure I was actually eating. Once I was finished I put my plastic bowl in the bin. "Thank you... for... you know... today" I managed to say.

Bakugo smiled "it's fine like I said I will always be here for you" I could feel tears start to leak from my eyes. "Did I say something wrong?" He asked clearly confused as he gave me a comforting hug.

"No... the opposite" I paused "promise you won't leave me like everyone else does?" I finally voiced the problem that had plagued me for so long. He laughed a little I should have known "wait, you're serious aren't you?" He asked more seriously. I nodded unable to form words "of course I won't leave you. There are only two ways I'm leaving, one is that you don't want me anymore" as he said that I clutched onto his shirt tightly "and the second which, I don't plan on doing any time soon, is death"

I shudder slightly at the last word. "You sure?" I asked sounding needy but also not really caring "super sure" he replied planting a soft kiss on my forehead. "Now we have to get back to class you okay now?" he asked. I nodded and we walked down to the common room before splitting up.

Once I was back in class and in my seat I took a deep breath. I noticed the hot head sitting three seats in front and slightly the the left of me as he aggressively took notes. Just from that I knew everything would be okay.

The rest of the week flew by and I almost forgot what day we were on. That was until he showed up. I nod at my father and pointed to my bag indicating I wanted to drop it off in my room. I threw it on the bed and turned back to leave. Katsuki was already in my room "how..." I started to ask before he cut me off with a kiss "you're not going" he stated.

"I have to" I answered back "it's not like I want to but if I don't he'll get mad and it'll make things worse" I squeezed past him and headed downstairs. He stopped me before I reached the door "how did you get down here so fast?" I questioned curiously. He smirked and pushed me to the bathroom before blocking me in.

"Okay very funny now let me out" I said getting slightly annoyed. There was a loud thud from outside and I got nervous "Bakugo?" No response "Bakugo come on this isn't funny" still no response. Something was wrong. "KATSUKI!" I yelled before realising I called him by his first name. Still nothing.

Hope you're enjoying the story so far

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