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It's 1:30 am so have some angst and let me know what you think so far 😊

Bakugo POV

It had been three days since Shoto had gone missing. No. Since he had been taken. It had been all over the news, of course it would be, his dad was the number one pro hero. I turned the news on again for the third day in a row.

"....we have recently and unfortunately discovered the tragic loss of the young hero student and youngest son of the pro hero Endeavour..." my heart broke. I couldn't save him. He was gone. "DAMN VILLAINS!" I yelled as I threw the remote at the tv before hearing them say his name. I was crying. I couldn't hold it back anymore. My sweet little candy cane was gone and I couldn't do anything about it.

I slowly walked up to the fourth floor and knocked on Shitty Hair's door. He opened up took a second to look at me and let me in. "Bro what's up?" He asked. I explained what they had said on the news and buried my head into my best friends chest. "Why does it hurt so much?" I managed to ask.

"Maybe because you loved him" no it's more than that. I had promised I would always be there for him but when he needed me most I wasn't there. I wasn't able to save him "you can't possibly blame yourself for that" I must have been thinking out loud "I told you he insisted I take you to safety. If it's anyone's fault its mine okay"

Great now he's blaming himself as well. Once I had calmed down a little we carried on with our usual Monday routine and lessons. Only difference was I didn't yell at the germs in my mouth. I didn't even yell at that idiot Deku for just existing. And of course during first lesson there was the whole "as you may have heard they found a body they believe to be Shoto Todoroki. We will be holding a memorial for him at the end of school"

How could they only 'believe' it to be him, his hair gives him away as do those beautiful eyes of his. I took a deep breath in and let it all out. I repeated this a few times to avoid crying in public. At the start of last lesson we were told that we were free to go so that anyone wanting to go to the memorial could get ready. I went to my room to get ready RING RING who would want to be talking to me right now. It was my old hag.

"hey honey I heard about your boyfriend on the news and called the school. They said you could come home for a while if you need to"
"They're holding a memorial for him. I...I wanna go"
"Okay if you wanna come back after just let me know and I'll come get you"

I couldn't hold it back anymore and cried down the phone to my old hag of all people. "Mom why does it hurt so much?" She said something but I couldn't hear her through the sound of my own crying "I loved him that's why isn't it, I loved him and now he's gone"

I hadn't realised my door had been unlocked until Kirishima sat next to me. "Bro it's okay to cry you know. You loved him it's gotta hurt but I'm here for you and I'm sure your mom will do whatever she can to help you through this as well"

"See you have people that are here for you honey, you're strong, you'll get through this, just let me know if you wanna come home for a while"
"Thanks mom but I'd rather distract myself with school" I said before I hung up.

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