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Todoroki POV

I plugged my earphones into my ears to shut out everyone. I should have known he would leave me why couldn't I have just listened to my brain. He had obviously got fed up of me or maybe while I was gone he found someone else. That seems most likely, yeah he's found someone else but he doesn't want to tell me. I'm not surprised there are plenty of people to choose from who are better than me.

Something my father had said to me rang through my head love is weakness, it's pointless, it's a distraction, its something you don't have room for in your life. Maybe he was right. If love hurt this much I didn't want it. "Hey Todoroki" Midoryia pulled one of my earphones out. We had arrived.

"Sorry Midoryia" I said grabbing my stuff and heading out to the cabins. "There's only ten cabins so you'll have to share and because I don't trust certain people to behave" Mr Aizawa glared at Bakugo's squad "I have already chosen who will room with who.

"Girls can choose because you're all pretty responsible come get your key and go find your cabins" he handed out keys before continuing "okay boys we have" he looked at his paper "Ojiro and Shoji, Mineta and Midoryia" crap "Tokoyami and Sero, Sato and Iida, Todoroki and..." the paper flew out of his hand but he shrugged it off not Bakugo not Bakugo not Bakugo anyone but... "Bakugo, Koda and Kirishima and finally Aoyama and Kaminari" this is gonna be a long week.

Mr Aizawa handed us all our keys and we walked in pairs to find out cabins. I could see the others talking to the person they would be sharing a cabin with but I couldn't bring myself to talk to Bakugo. Not that he seemed like he wanted to talk to me anyway. We found our cabin and dumped our stuff in the bedroom. Luckily it was a twin room so we had a bed each. It was getting late so I grabbed my pyjamas and went to the bathroom to get changed.

When I returned to the room Bakugo had changed into pyjama bottoms and hadn't bothered with a shirt. Oh come on, now really I felt my face heating up and tried to hide it under the blanket. Why did they have to put him with me. I felt tears start to form but held them back and before I knew it I was asleep.

Feel like this is a short chapter but I wanted to update before I went to work hope you're enjoying the story so far

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