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Todoroki POV

By the end of lunch break I had been given tips on how to tell if Bakugo liked me back. They still didn't know who it was that I liked and I hadn't even given indication to the fact that it was a boy I liked. And by the end of the day I was ready to see if he liked me. That was until my father pulled up outside the school. Oh right, training.

Even though that was meant to stop when I got my license he still came to pick me up. To avoid angering him I went with him anyway. I nodded at him so he knew I had seen him and went to get some things for the weekend. Before I got into the dorm building he had got out of the car and dragged me over to it. "You won't be needing anything, everything you need is already at home" he said as I got into the passenger seat. I wasn't going to see Bakugo until monday morning.

Bakugo POV

Where is that half and half bastard he should be here by now I hate waiting for people. I heard someone coming up the stairs and bolted for the lifts. I headed to my own room before messaging Icyhot "where the fuck are you I've been waiting for 20 minutes?" I threw my phone on my bed and started my homework. DING I quickly grabbed my phone only to see it was the old hag "you coming home this weekend?"

What I really wanted was to see Icyhot. I unlocked my phone and replied "nah I'm staying here with some friends you old hag" we may fight and call each other names but that was always just how we showed we cared about each other. I mean she is mom how can we not. DING I look again hoping its Icyhot "Okay stay safe you stupid brat" before I knew it I was waking up shit I must have fallen asleep. Since it was a weekend I didn't have my alarm set but I could tell it was stupidly early.

I checked my phone for a reply from Icyhot. Nothing. "Hey dumbass you forget how to text or something?" I sent the message and waited. Knock knock knock I sighed "THE FUCK YOU WANT?!" I yelled as I headed to the door. It was Pikachu and Shitty Hair. "We were going to head to the mall dude, wanna come?" Shitty Hair asked. "Give me a couple minutes and I'll be out" I said slamming the door behind me so I could get dressed in peace.

Since it was getting colder I pulled on my black tank top my grey ripped jeans and finally a black jumper. I jammed my feet into my boots, grabbed my phone and went back out to the two idiots waiting for me. I kept checking for a reply and slowly started worrying. Surely by now he was with his ass of a dad and that combined with the fact that he hadn't replied all day had me worried.

I couldn't even sneak out to his house to check on him because he wouldn't let anyone know where he lived. And like hell was I going to ask the teachers. Not that would have told me anyway.

The weekend dragged and there was still no reply. Sunday evening after I had finished tutoring my idiot friends most people went to bed. I couldn't. I had to make sure he was okay. I waited in my room until I heard a car pull up and bolted it down to the common room. There he was stumbling in. "ICYHOT!" he tripped clearly hurt "the fuck did he do to you? And why haven't you answered me all weekend?" He looked at me and smiled weakly "I'm fine" he lied.

"Like fuck you are now shut up and lemme help you" I pulled his arm over my shoulder and helped him to the lifts. I pushed the button for the fourth floor and took him to my room. "You're staying here tonight" I stated not giving him a choice.

He nodded and I ran back down to the bathrooms to see if I could find medical supplies. Bandages, check, burn cream, burn cream, burn cream, where the fuck is it. I finally found it and ran back to my room to find a sleeping Icyhot. I carefully put the cream on his arms before bandaging him up and putting some more cream on that beautiful face of his.

I felt my cheeks warm up a little as the sleeping boy before me grabbed my arm and pulled me into a cuddle. I threw something, possibly a balled up sock, at the light switch to turn them off before trying to sleep.

Heya thank you everyone who's reading and thank you for the votes/comments they really mean a lot

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