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Todoroki POV

I had to sneak around their base camp to find a decent place to hide while I set fire to the trees. When they started to burn I left my hiding spot and got back to the group. Jiro plugged in her earphone jack so she could listen in.

"Denki now" she whispered. Kaminari did his thing and a few electric bolts later had fried his brain which he knew would happen. He had done everything he could. Jiro listened a little longer "go now I'll take care of Denki" she whispered as she helped him head back to the dorms.

We quickly made our entrance and managed to get Katsuki free. We started to carry him to safety when we heard the voice "aww I see his little buddies have come to save him again" it was Shigaraki. "Go, I'll hold him back" I passed Katsuki to Kirishima and proceed to make an ice wall. "Go!" I yelled when I noticed he wasn't leaving. This wasn't part of the plan.

Kirishima POV

I felt bad for leaving Todoroki but I was sure he could handle himself while I continued to get my best friend to safety. This unfortunate turn of events meant that once Bakugo was safe I was going back to help his lover. When I finally got to the dorms I placed him on the sofa "Jiro! Bakugo is on the sofa I gotta go back to help Todoroki!" I yelled before heading back.

I was too late. They had gone. No sign of the League, no sign of Todoroki. Aw crap. I ran back to the dorm to be greeted by "where the fuck did you go?" He was awake. "And where the fuck is Shoto?" Shit that didn't give me much time to figure out how to tell him.  "Here's the thing" I started "he kinda came with us to rescue you but, the plan went horribly wrong and we had to improvise, so he's now kinda, sort of, somewhere with the League of Villains"

"WHAT THE FUCK... WHERE THE FUCK... HOW THE FUCK..." he started yelling half questions. "Calm down, does he have find my phone and is it linked to your phone?" I asked as calmly as I could. "Well yeah but if his phones location isn't on it won't work" he replied.

We needed a new plan and we needed it quick. We were down a Kaminari which didn't help and Jiro agreed to come with us as long as we made sure Kaminari got to his room safely. When Iida Midoryia and Uraraka came back we grabbed them. After all they were Todoroki's friends as well.

I explained the situation leaving out the part about Todoroki and Bakugo being a couple and they agreed to help. For three hours we tried to come up with a plan that we all agreed on and eventually we did. Next challenge was to find out where he had been taken.

That proved to be harder than I hoped. "No location available" we needed another way to find him.

Todoroki POV

I opened my eyes and tried to figure out what had happened. Oh yeah the villains got me I reminded myself. I needed to escape. My friends wouldn't be able to find me not without my location on my phone anyway. I tried to think of a way out but came up blank. There was no way out

Hope you're enjoying the story so far next chapter might be up later today but it's a sad one thank you for reading

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