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Todoroki POV

I had gotten used to hearing Bakugo yelling at the germs as he brushed his teeth. Strangely I found it relaxing. I sat drinking my tea while he yelled as he did every morning "DIE DAMN GERMS DIE!" then he would go quiet while he spat out the toothpaste and continued with the mouthwash "DIE YOU GERMY SCUM" or at least that's what it sounded like through the gargling.

Just as he came out the bathroom a sweaty Kirishima strolled in to take his shower. The three of us always seemed to do our morning routines like this. The others would try to keep to a timed routine but they were hardly ever at the same time twice in the same week. In fact Friday's tended to be the day that most the others would lie in for an extra half hour because we started later.

All that meant was that Bakugo would cook breakfast for the three of us. He would always finish cooking just as Kirishima got out of the bathroom "man that smells so good!" He wasn't wrong Bakugo's cooking always smelt good. He also knew about me and Bakugo being friends. He was the only one who knew.

We agreed it would be weird if everyone else knew because of my friendship with Midoryia. It was just easier for us to pretend nothing had changed between us. Except lately something had changed for me. I couldn't quite figure it out but today would be the day I did figure it out.

The first half of the day would be spent taking the license exam so I finished my tea and went outside to meet Bakugo. We walked together chatting about nothing in particular until we reached the test centre. We finished the test just before lunch time and luckily we both passed so we could return to school.

At lunch time I sat with my friends as usual. I had got better at eating during lunch time again and after we ate I walked slowly behind everyone else. Midoryia noticed which was what I was hoping for.

"Hey Todoroki you okay?" He asked. I nodded "yeah there's just something that's been bugging me for a couple days now and I was hoping you would be able to help me figure it out" I replied honestly. His eyes lit up "of course I will but wouldn't it be easier if Uraraka and Iida could help you as well?" I thought about it for a while before coming to the conclusion that he was right.

We caught up with the other two and sat on the grass like we always did. "So guys Todoroki has something he needs help with, you wanna help?" He asked. They looked surprised probably at the fact that I needed help "yeah"
"You are our classmate and friend I would be glad to help you!"

I took a breath in and sighed. "So the last few days whenever I have been around a certain person I feel strange, like they are the only person that is important in that moment. I want to see them happy and when they are, I also feel happy. I know it probably doesn't make sense but if you have any ideas what's going on that would be a great help" I explained.

Uraraka's eyes lit up even more "oh my gosh! You have a crush on someone!" She practically squealed. "Quiet down" I said quickly as I felt my cheeks heat up "what is a crush anyways?" I asked. Iida stood up and stopped Uraraka from being dramatic about it all "well a crush is when you have certain feelings for another person, you want to be with them in a more than friendly way and when they do something for you no matter how small or simple it makes you feel special" Midoryia answers.

"I see" is all the words I can bring up.

Bakugo POV

"Hey Shitty Hair" I yell grabbing my best friends attention. He turned around "yo Bakubro!" He replies happily. How the fuck can anyone be this happy when we still have the most boring lessons on the planet. Never mind that "I need your help" I paused "don't you dare tell anyone I said that"

Last thing I needed was someone knowing I asked for help especially with this.

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