XXI - Getaway

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Meliodas spent the next week trying to figure out how to get past his shadow and leave to meet Elizabeth. Zeldris was basically glued to his leg constantly. It wasn't to say he wasn't somewhat thankful for that though. He was relieved he could keep watch over him but it was a tad inconveniencing.

"Meliodas can we go dragon hunt-?"

"No, I need to go somewhere," Meliodas said, cutting him off.

"Really? Can I go?"

"No you can't," Meliodas answered sternly. He felt guilty where he saw the downtrodden look of his brothers face and quickly added on,"Ask Gowther to take you out." He knew Zeldris was only asking it to hang with him but he couldn't care less if he looked like an idiot right now.

He quickly walked away and flew out the window leaving Zeldris sitting there dejected.

It took him a while to find the goddess ruins. He never really left the demon realm outside of missions. He landed on the grass in the middle. Taking a quick look around, he saw Elizabeth sitting on the steps.

Elizabeth caught sight of him and waved happily. Meliodas didn't sense any other presences there and concluded it would be safe to stay.

He deactivated his magic so his father couldn't spy on him through the commandment and approached her.

"Wow! I didn't think you'd actually show!" Elizabeth exclaimed.

"I could say the same for you."

Elizabeth held up a basket and smiled wide. "Look I brought food!" Meliodas cocked his head.


"So we can have a picnic and eat while we talk!"

"What's a picnic?"

"Oh dear I have so much to teach you."

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