Chapter 5

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The group all reunited in an air craft grounded on a mountain. It was ready to take off, all that needed to happen was Captain Branch to familiarize himself with the controls,

Branch leaned closer to them and sniffed them, licked them, and brushed his head against them. "Hmm.. quite old, but she'll still be able to start.

"She?" Poppy giggled and hopped on the ground next to Branch.

Branch scratched his neck and blushed. "Yeah.." He glanced down at his pocket trying to avoid eye contact with Poppy, then remembered something. "Hey, Poppy.."

"Yeah Branch?" She said as she put a jar of jellybeans on the floor and took the map from her hair.

"Can I ask you a really important question?" Branch reached for the item in his pocket.

"Does it relate to this epic journey we're about to go on?"

"Well, not exa—"

Poppy cut him off. "Then it'll have to wait. There's nothing more important than this adventure right now."

Branch looked down, seeming hurt by her statement. He shoved it back into his pocket. "Yeah.. okay.."

Poppy motioned for everyone to come over to them and rolled out her map. "We have to unite all the Trolls and if we don't stop her who will?"

"No one?" Legsly asked.


Guy and his newborn son had also joined them, only because Tiny insisted.

She seperarted a few jellybeans into two groups and showed where each group went. "Group A consists of me, Branch, Biggie, and Cooper. We'll visit the jazz, country, classical, and funk Trolls! Group B will be Satin, Chenille, Guy, Tiny, and Legsly. You will go to techno and reggae which according to the scrapbook are hard to reach because of the water based environments."

Legsly twisted her feet like a fish tail and dropped on the deck and flopped like a fish.


"How high up are the jazz Trolls on the mountain?" Biggie could tell from the map it was possibly thousands of feet high.

"It doesn't say, so we'll just start from the bottom and climb to the top!" Poppy exclaimed.

"Climb? We have a blimp, why do we need to climb?" Branch gestured to the captain hat for the blimp hanging on the steering wheel.

Poppy stuck it on his head. "We're not as likely to miss them if we go on foot, plus it's great exercise!" She slipped on a pair of gloves then curiously looked at a basket next to Branch. "What's in there?"


"Branch!" She opened it up and pulled out a golden pair of brass knuckles. "Violence never solves a problem! Is this some kind of jewelry— oh, it's actually kind of cool looking! Oooh!"

Branch reached for it, "Give me that!" Poppy refused and skipped away.

"Finders keepers!" She put it in her hair along with her gloves. "The only weapons we need are this guy." She flexed one arm, "and this guy." She flexed the other. "For hugs!" She held them out and went to hug him.

Branch backed up to avoid the hug. "This is gonna take a lot of hugs."

"Does everyone understand what we're doing?" Poppy asked the group.

Tiny hopped out of his dad's arms."Please don't separate is mi amore." He took Poppy's hand and kissed it, then placed a rose in it.

"You were born an hour ago how can you already speak another language?" Poppy raised her eyebrow at the young Troll and stuck the rose onto Branch's vest.

"Isn't that a good thing? Doesn't it say the reggae trolls speak another language?" Biggie skimmed through the page and pointed at the reggaeton troll.

"Guy actually gave birth at the right time." Branch noted to himself, munching on a peppermint he got from one of the barrels.

Legsly jumped off the balloon. "See ya!"

"Other way." Guy corrected.

"See ya!" Legsly skipped off in the other direction, towards Techno Village.

"We'll see you guys in two days." Guy waved and collected his son.

Satin and Chenille waved too, blew a kiss, and left.

Tiny scrambled out of his dad's arms and cried for Poppy. "Don't forget me!"

Poppy giggled and waved to Tiny. "I won't!"

The group still in the balloon got in a circle.

"On three we can shout—" Poppy began to say.

Biggie interrupted. "Mr. Dinkles!"

"N-no, we're not- actually, fine. On three say Mr. Dinkles!"

"One.. two.. three!"

They rose their hands and shouted, "Mr. Dinkles!"

And so, the adventure began.

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