Chapter 6

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cringe time yayyy... ALSO- I was originally gonna send them to jazz first but I changed it to funk last second so if it still says jazz anywhere please tell me-

And I had one thing I was going to add but I removed it and decided to include it in a different chapter. so um yeah

The group consisting of Poppy, Branch, Cooper, Biggie, and Dinkles chose to start their journey at Wire City.

Or at least Poppy chose. She was the most enthusiastic about the mission and kind of pushed aside everyone else's opinions.

Branch pulled a lever and clicked on some buttons, sending the aircraft in the air. "I figured it out!"

"Do you even have a flying license?" Biggie held Dinkles close, having the concern of crashing.

"Nope." Branch spun the wheel around like a child would at a playground and played around with it.

Biggie's eyes widened at that. He ran to the edge of the balloon and tried not to throw up.

Poppy laughed and shoved a hat on Branch's head. "I declare you an official pilot!"

"But I've never even—"

Poppy shushed him and stood on the edge. "Let's go save the world!"

Branch shrugged and continued to try flying in one direction and improvising his landing tactic.

A few times he stopped paying attention to the sky and would glance at Poppy and sigh. "She's so beautiful.."

"Who is?"

He panicked and made up an excuse. "T-The ship! The ship is beautiful! She's a real beaut. Always makes me smile." He kissed the steering wheel.

"Oh.. okay.." She raised her eyebrow. "How do you know it's a girl?"

"Because it reminds me of my favorite girl. She always puts me in a better mood and doesn't fail to cheer me up. She's the most positive, and she's the sweetest."

Poppy smiled, understanding he was talking about her. 'He loves me back?'

Poppy smiled and picked up the map. "I love this map. He's so sarcastic sometimes and a little annoying, but he makes me feel better. He always looks out for me. I know I can never get lost around him."

Branch blinked in confusion at first, not understanding that he was the map. 'Does she love me back?'

They stared at each other, lovesick for a moment until Branch looked down at the map. "What's this place between the jazz and reggaeton tribes?"

Poppy turned through the pages to find out. "It must be another tribe!"

Branch quickly read each page before she turned it. "It doesn't say anything about them though."

"It could be anything! Folk, blues, emo, soul, polka, k-pop, more hip hops!" Poppy listed.

"Or the home of a dangerous predator." Branch hinted that he didn't want to investigate.

"Stop overreacting!" Poppy spun him around and while she had the chance she stole the pen from off the dashboard and started writing a letter. "The others can check it out!"

Branch dizzily walked around. "But what if it's nothing?"

"There's nothing that's nothing because nothing is everything and everything is nothing!" Poppy said and sent the letter to a mail bird.

( I made that up myself- I'm so wise. 🧐 )

"That doesn't make any sense.." Branch listened to it over and over again in his ahead trying to understand what she was saying.

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