Chapter 10

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( this one isn't as good as the last one- )

Delta tossed the pop trolls into a small prison cell that clearly hadn't been used for years judged by the condition.

"Please! You can trust us!" Poppy attempted to jump past the door at last second, but Delta slammed it shut in her face.

"I'll think 'bout it." Delta stormed outside the door and ordered Dickory to watch them.

"Yes, ma'am." Dickory saluted and sat down in his chair to stare at the pop trolls.

Poppy sighed and sat down against the wall, not really caring about Biggie's butt being in her face. "I'm sorry, guys. I didn't expect it to be so hard to communicate with these tribes. I wish we could all get along."

"Poppy, no! This isn't your fault!" Branch stopped hitting his head against the metal bars. "They're just really cautious about who they can trust. Remember? These aren't like the Trolls in Troll Village, they're their own civilizations."

"What if we don't get out of here in time? Barb's going to get all of the strings." Biggie had a panic attack- not a really good thing to have in a confined area. "We're going to die!"

"Great. Just what I need, to trolls in a bad mood stuck in the same cell as me for who knows how long." Branch resumed slamming his head against the bars.

"Three." An unfamiliar, very smooth voice corrected.

Poppy and Biggie went silent and curiously searched for the source.

Hiding underneath the single bed in the room, was a purple troll with long red hair, sitting boredly. He waved his hand in their faces and climbed out from under.

"Hi! I'm Queen Poppy of the pop trolls, this is Biggie and Mr. Dinkles, and that's-"

"No." Branch glared at her.

"That's Branch! Who are you?" Poppy held her hand out for him to shake it.

The purple Troll tilted his head and backed up a little. "I'm Chaz." He seemed anxious around them.

"You don't know how to handshake?" Biggie gasped.

Poppy shook Biggie's hand. "Easy!" She then tried to do it with Chaz, but he pulled his hand away.

"I rather not trust trolls I just met, especially Trolls in prison. I don't want anything to happen to my-" He covered his mouth, not wanting to say anything else.

Branch turned around and raised his eyebrow. "Anything happen to your what?"

"Nothing!" Chaz hid under the bed again.

Branch gave him a dirty look and then whispered to Poppy, "He sounds suspicious. He's up to something, I know it."

"Branch! Stop being paranoid! There is absolutely nothing wrong with him! He's just nervous! Now stop saying negative things about every Troll you see!" Poppy elbowed his hip and bent down to comfort Chaz.

"We were thrown in here just because we walked into this town. We did nothing wrong!" Biggie explained.

Branch shook the bars. "Let us out! We're innocent until proven guilty!"

Dickory groaned and stomped his hooves on the ground, trotting outside to get away from the restless pops and Chaz. "Simmer down already!"

"Are you serious?" Chaz groaned.

"We're stuck in here forever!" Biggie started crying.

"Barb's gonna get all the strings!" Poppy slouched on the ground and sniffed.

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