Chapter 9

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( this chapter is cringy but I love it )

"Let's see, if I were the queen of pop uniting the tribes, where would I go first?" Barb leaned against a tree and observed a map, ignoring the shenanigans going on between her father and Riff in front of her.

"GIVE ME BACK MY DRUMSTICKS!" Riff demanded Thrash, hanging upside down from a tree. He got himself stuck trying to get vanilla ice cream from a bird.

"Nope." Thrash banged on a stump, playing the drum part of the song Crazy Train.

"The one group must be doing the east side of Trollmerica." Barb thought, thinking back to Satin who mentioned they were headed to Techno City.

Riff gripped the tree's branch and reached down towards Thrash and far as he could without falling, but reached nowhere close.

Thrash stuck his tongue out and showed off his skills.

Riff admitted that Thrash was good, but claimed he was still better- which was true. Riff was the best drummer in all of Volcano Rock City. Possibly even out of the entire country. Although no one know's of any other drummers.

Well, there will be another rock troll in the book later who is can play several instrument,- but we'll get to him later.

"So there must be another group of Troll covering the west side." Barb circled the west parts of the map: funk, country, jazz, and classical.

Riff held on to the branch and hung down, but yet wasn't anywhere near retrieving the drumsticks.

"Riff, if you want them so desperately- get down here! Oh, wait, YOU CAN'T!" Thrash laughed at him and played the bah dum tss.

"So they probably began at funk because it's the closest to Pop Village..." Barb continued figuring out Poppy's plan.

Riff growled at Thrash and tried pulling himself up.

"So they must be headed towards country and jazz next..." She drew a line across the page through the three places.

The thing none of the pop trolls were aware of was the fact that their scrapbook was outdated. A few years ago, the jazz tribe relocated to a nice calm river in a canyon, just because the mountain was too cold. They needed to let it go. Good thing Poppy, Branch, and Biggie are going to figure that out before they climb up the mountain.

"Take them." Thrash threw the drumsticks at Riff's hands, causing his grip to loosen and him to fall out of the tree and right on Thrash's drum set.

"Rad..." Riff groaned and feebly did the rock hand pose.

"LOAD UP BOYS! We're going to Classical City!" Barb closed her map and looked at them in confusion. "Can you two go five minutes without bickering?"

"No." They agreed.

Barb groaned, then whistled, calling more rock trolls over. "We're gonna take the Boogie Beetles to them to get their string, and we'll most likely come across the pop queen, her boyfriend, and her other friends on our way to country. We give them a friendly reminder that time is running out, then resume collecting the strings. Then when time is up, we return to Pop Village, and that's when the real fun can begin." She let out a small cackle and flashed her Grinch grin. (Her Grin-ch.)

Thrash joined the cackle, knowing exactly what she meant by "fun".

Riff stupidly laughed and followed some other rock Trolls to get the Boogie Beetles.

"Let's get this party started." Barb rubbed her hands together eviLy and walked towards she and Thrash's beetle and saddled it up.


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