Chapter 15

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"Move it! Quicker! C'mon! Queen Barb waits for no one!" A rock troll snapped at a crowd of pop trolls, leading them to Volcano Rock City.

"Where's Poppy?" Peppy ran through the crowd, searching for his daughter. He had no idea she left, he assumed she was spending the night with Branch. "Poppy?!"

Cooper had a guilty look on his face. He couldn't reveal that Poppy went around the country. "I-I don't know."

D elbowed (more like knee- haha-) him. "That doesn't sound believable."

"Shush!" Quincy covered both of their mouth's.

Peppy gasped at the familiar voices, "Essence? Quincy?"

"And D!" The prince hopped up.

"Why are you here with our tribe? Shouldn't you be in the group with the funk trolls?"

"Uhhhh..." Essence searched her mind for an excuse, "Yes, but we wanted to talk to our long lost son, Cooper." She nuzzled the pink giraffe.

Peppy was suspicious of their behavior, "Uh huh.." He made his way over to the group of country trolls. "Have you seen my daughter, Poppy?"

Dickory spit on Peppy's foot. "That pinkish troll girl that left with my brother to go on some mission to save the world?"

"Ye- wait, what?"

"She came moseying into our town with some gray guy and a fat blue guy, warning us about the rock trolls, but we ignored her. Now our town's gone up in flames." Delta sighed and held out her guitar banjo thing. "Our string is gone.."

"So is ours." Peppy showed her the empty harp. "Poppy must've taken it with her."

Quincy looked around. It seemed like everyone was missing. There were no classical trolls, and the techno trolls (being carried in barrels or something lmao-) were silent. "Where's Trollzart and Trollex? And all of the classical trolls for that matter."

"What if Barb got 'em all? Rounded 'em all up earlier? The pop queen, her partners, Trollzart, and the classical trolls." Delta looked at the nearing rock city, feeling scared for once.

"They could be in danger, with several strings, Barb now possesses great power. We need to help them." Essence tugged on her husband's arm and cautiously tried to rush ahead of all the trolls.

"Is she suggesting we all be working together?" Dickory shuddered.

"We have to." Peppy admitted and followed the funk queen.

"You two stay here." Delta pointed at Cooper and D, then chased the other leaders.

The two twins smirked at each other, "Nahh.."


"Branch should've rescued her by now." Chneille watched Barb setting up the stage for the concert, hiding behind a rock.

The entire group was hiding behind the rock, both groups of trolls.

"What if something happened to them?" Biggie whimpered.

Tiny scoffed, "Nah, Uncle Branch is just taking his time."

"Is he?" Legsly looked past the rock.

Guy took a deep breath. "We have to go in and rescue them!"

"But the rock trolls are really mean. How can we possibly get the two back?" Satin looked out from the rock again and frowned.

"Disguises?" Trollex suggested.

"Nah, fam, they aren't that gullible." Tiny psshted.

Guy stroked his chin. "Or are they?"

Hickory shook his head, flicking his tail. "They t'aint."

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