Chapter 11

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( I don't actually speak Spanish so correct things please so Tresillo isn't swearing at people-

and I don't know- I wasn't sure how they were supposed to go underwater-)

"¿Quién eres tú?" The reggaeton troll questioned.

Tiny bowed in front of him. "Soy Tiny Diamond, las gemelas sexy de allí son Satin y Chenille, la chica alta es Legsly, y el cojo es mi padre, Guy Diamond."

"Soy Tresillo, el líder de los trolls de reggaeton. Y estos son mis guardaespaldas, Carmen-"

A yellow female jumped out and waved.

"-y Elena."

Another orange female troll came from a tree and aimed finger guns at the group.

Tiny wiggled his eyebrows and kissed their hands. "¡Hola señoritas!"

"Ask him if he wants to join us. Poppy did ask that we look for the reggaeton trolls." Satin asked Tiny to ask.

Tiny nodded and looked as adorable as possible. "Mis amigos y yo estamos tratando de evitar que los trolls de hard rock eliminen los otros tipos de música. Te gustaría ayudar?"

"Your son is smart for being a few hours old." Chenille crossed her arms over her chest like how Branch always does.

"I know, right?" Guy laughed.

Tresillo smiled and nodded. "¡Por supuesto! No es que hay algo más que podamos hacer aquí."

"He said yes!" Tiny gave them thumbs ups.

Carmen and Elena squealed and touched their man's muscles.

The twins, Legsly, and Guy cheered because they're trolls.

"That was super easy. Now on to techno!" Guy marched towards the shore.

"I bet the others are having an equally easy time!" Legsly said optimistically.

Satin and Chenille nodded. "Definitely!"

That wasn't true but whatever, let them believe what they wanna believe.

Tiny shrugged.

Tresillo shook his head. "Lo dudo. Los otros pueden ser muy violentos."

Carmen agreed with Tresillo. She could understand trollglish unlike most of her tribe. "Funk, country, and rock are the three tribes that are the most likely to attack."

( I picture Carmen with Camila Cabello's voice and Elena with Selena Gomez's voice. )

"Oh noo... they dead." Legsly did the 'off with the head' thing with her finger.

"If we run we can get there before sunset." Guy changed the subject and started sprinting.

Everyone started running after them which suddenly turned into a game of tag.

They were having way more fun than Poppy and the bOyS on the journey.

"¡ETIQUETA usted es él!" Tresillo tapped Legsly and fled.

Legsly easily tapped Guy with her toe. "Tag!"

Guy tagged Satin, "Tag!"

Satin tagged Chenille. "Tag!"

"Tag!" Chenille caught up to Tiny and tagged him.

"Deténgase!" Tresillo stopped them.

"What is it?" Legsly looked around to see nothing that they should need to stop for.

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