Chapter 16

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Satin, Chenille, Biggie, Mr. Dinkles, Guy, Smidge, Legsly, and Tiny ran around backstage, looking for Branch.

Some of the rock trolls were wandering around, cleaning or just hiding from Barb.

A male rock troll tapped on a female's shoulder, "Yo, what's that?"

She looked over, clenching her fist, "They're Trolls!"

"Hey!" The male shouted at them.

The group froze in place and gasped, terrified.

"Only rock trolls are allowed back here." He eyed them suspiciously, as the girl was ready to attack.

Biggie bit his lip and quickly came up with an excuse. "Uh, we are- we are genuine hard rockers." He put his hands on his hips.

They all hopped down from where they stood and revealed their costumes.

Legsly had red lipstick, a lollipop, a black and white shirt with stretchy black pants. Guy was wearing black nerd frames and a glittery red sweater with "D" on it. Tiny was wearing a black leather jacket. Smidge wore some glittering black sunglasses. Biggie had an entire Elvis Presley centered outfit. Mr. Dinkles wore a black wig, and the twins wore cheerleader outfits with pom poms.

"We don't buy it." The girl glared at them.

Mr. Dinkles took lead, "A one, two, three, four!"

They all improvised, trying to do stereotypical rock things.


Tiny looked at them with crazy eyes and looked like he had rabies.


The twins glitched somehow.

"Everything nice, yeah!"

Smidge lifted herself up with her hair and growled.

"Brush your teeth!" The worm finished.

The male looked back and shrugged, "Cool."

The girl grinned and did the rock hand thingy, to show acceptance.

"Thank trolly heaven.." Satin sighed, out of breath.

The trolls quickly scattered and resumed their search for Branch.

"If I were that grumpy dude, but as a rock troll, where would I be?" Legsly stroked her chin, and used her legs to get a better view.

"Doing rock troll things." Tiny said smartly.

"Barb was calling the two useless..." Smidge thought.

"Yeah.." Guy raised his eyebrow at the short troll.

"Until she found Poppy to not be useless..." Smidge continued.

"What are you getting at?" Biggie tilted his head.

"So maybe he's been un-uselessed." Smidge finished, looking for the rockiest room in the place.

"What does that mean?" Chenille was confused.

"I don't know, maybe like training? Like what we did with him the other day with Peppy to teach him everything to know about Poppy." Smidge ran off, finding the room she had a feeling Branch was in.

"Oh, that lady smart." Tiny saluted Smidge, following after her.

Just as Smidge predicted, Branch was being lectured by Thrash (teleporting happy grandpa) in a dark room.

"BrooOOo, this stuff is boring. Why can't I just do whatever I want around here?" Branch groaned.

"Because that's not how things work around here." Thrash poked Branch's nose and tried getting attention back.

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