Chapter 12

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( This chapter is really rushed and I'm so sorry! )

Returning to our favorite pop trolls, Poppy, Branch, Biggie, and then Hickory, they had just fallen off a cliff and plummeted into a canyon.

After their plummet, they landed in a river, the Lonesome River, and after lots of.. things... happening, Branch managed to set up a raft he kept in his hair in case of emergencies.

Branch laid down on his stomach in the raft and groaned. "I'm sick of this dumb adventure, can't wait for it to be over."

"Don't say that! You're having fun!" Poppy shook the water out of her hair and soaked Hickory even more than he was before.

Hickory shook off like a dog and growled. "Thanks for the shower." That was sarcasm obviously.

Poppy grinned. "No problem!"

Biggie started a fire in the middle of the raft and managed to prevent the entire leaf from catching fire. "Now we won't freeze to death! HA HA HA!" He

"By tomorrow we should be near the ocean and we can then go to Symphonyville, talk to the classical Trolls, return to the village and stop Barb!" Poppy cheerfully exclaimed tomorrow's schedule, pushing any doubt on winning to the bottom of her brain, only for it to bounce back up to her main focus. 'Oh my troll- what if Barb wins? What if something bad happens? What if someone gets hurt?' She started thinking.

Branch sat next to Poppy and Biggie by the fire and just stared at it, with really deep thoughts. It was mostly about proposing to Poppy. They've never gone on a date, they've never even dated, did he really want to propose to her? There was the possibility of rejection, I mean even though he had a feeling she loved him, he could be wrong.

Poppy looked at him, and could still see how exhausted he looked. "Branch, you were really tired earlier and you had an interesting way of waking up, you should sleep."

"No, there could be danger lurking all along this river, I'm staying awake to protect you." Branch looked around for anything that could possibly harm them.

"Branch, there's no danger." Poppy rolled her eyes.

Branch started listing every danger he could think of. "The country trolls could be following us, there could be deadly fish-"

"Rapids, a smooth jazz troll," Hickory added.

"What's so bad about smooth jazz trolls? And why would they be in this river?" Biggie asked.

"They go around tranquilizin' any folk they come across and attempt to hypnotize 'em to joining their tribe. Us country trolls have grown immune to their music, but they still pose as a threat to y'all." Hickory's eyes shifted around.

Poppy and Biggie fell asleep in the middle of his explanation, not because it was boring, they were just exhausted.

Branch poked Poppy, just checking to see if she was completely asleep, which she was. "Hickory, what do you think the right moment during this whole world saving adventure would be to propose to... a girl."

"I know nothin' about romance." Hickory admitted, "But, I slid my proposal to my gal during an argument."

Branch raised his eyebrow. "You're married?"

"Nah, she rejected me. She yelled 'You expect I'd marry a fool like you? When we're in the middle of arguin'?'!" He attempted a girlish voice for imitating his past crush. "And that's what I assume the reason Mayor Delta Dawn despises me."

"You dated Delta?!"

"Yup, now she dates Dickory." Hickory sighed and looked at the water.

"That's.. sad..."

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