Chapter 7

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"Woooaaahhh... You've got a lot of backstory, Cooper." Poppy said to the giraffe troll, then glanced down at the rope hanging off the hot air balloon, waiting for Branch to get down. "Come on!"

Branch did the opposite of what she requested- he began climbing slower. "I'm not risking the 0.79% chance of falling to death."

( I did the research- that's the actual statistic. )

Poppy wrapped her magenta hair around his leg and yanked, pulling him the rest of the way down.

"We can't be wasting time, Branch! We have two days to unite all the tribes to stop them!"

"I'm sorry, that I'm being cautious, because we know absolutely nothing about these trolls." He responded sarcastically.

"We know a little bit about them. We just have to be nice! And look at the funk trolls," She pointed at the dancing giraffes. "The funk trolls look friendly!"

"BOW WOW WOW YIPPEE YO YIPEE YAY!" King Quincy sang loudly, trying to encourage his son to sing along.

The prince just rolled his eyes and gazed into the crowd. "No."

Queen Essence danced over to him and whacked him gently the head with her guitar. "Sing."

D shook his head. "Nah, funk music is boring."

"excuse me?" The funk trolls all froze where they were and looked at him.

"oOooh- drama." Biggie whispered to Poppy.

"They have family issues!" Poppy put her hands on her heart and sighed. "We have to help them!"

"Help them by doing what? Singing a catchy song and make them dance and have so much fun they just shake it off?" Branch made another sarcastic remark.

"I was going to say talk to them but that's an even better idea!" Poppy grinned and jumped up on to Cooper's back.

"Ah, chicken nuggets.." Branch sighed and tried to hide.

"Prince Deepak Dilligus Funkerson-" Quincy said his son's full name- oH snAp.

"Techno is better. You can really dance to it."

Everyone looked offended and shocked by his words.

"D!" Essence gave him an angry mom glare. "Apologize to us for such crude speaking!"

"No, because funk music is so slow and boring. Techno is something you can actually dance happily too. Plus, they have beat drops! Those are so epic!

Quincy was very tempted to strangle his son. "Stop... talking..." His front legs slowly grasped for his son's reach, unable to resist the urge.

Before Quincy was anywhere close to touching his son, his focus was lost at the sound of upbeat rhythm clapping in the back of the crowd.

Quincy and Essence searched for the source, looking extremely irritated by the pop music.

D, however, happily perked up and clapped along.

Poppy danced around Cooper's back, singing into a pink microphone that wasn't connected to any sound systems, just there for props. "I stay out too late, got nothin' in my brain
That's what people say, mmm hmm, that's what people say, mmm hmm!"

She elbowed Branch, wanting him to join in, but he didn't, instead Biggie sang.

"I go on too many dates, but I can't make 'em stay
At least that's what people say mmm mmm, that's what people say mmm mmm!"

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