Truth Nine ; Just curious

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Getting Seokyoon dressed has to be the hardest part of Yoongi's day.

Friday came faster than he wanted, or expected, which had a rush of nerves traveling throughout Yoongi's body. As of now, he was getting his son dressed so they could get going to Hoseok's office. It was already 4 and they were set to meet at 5.

The younger had sent him the address two hours ago before he forgot to do so, Yoongi finally remembering Hoseok studied to be a therapist. He was glad the male's wish came true.

Seokyoon refused to wear the clothes Yoongi had picked for him, which was some overalls with a red longsleeve and some white sneakers. The young boy was being ridiculously stubborn, this fact getting on Yoongi's nerves little by little.

"Min SeokYoon," he spoke sternly, giving his son a not so happy look, "get dressed now so we can leave, or you won't get to play anymore today and i'll be sure to not let you play tomorrow."

The little boy huffed, his bottom lip jutting out as he finally gave in. Yoongi was happy that the boy did, he didn't like using his stern voice but if it had to be done, it had to be done. Soon enough, the little boy was dressed and running to his toys while his father got himself dressed.

Yoongi let his hands thread through his hair as he walked over to his closet, imagining certain outfits in his head and deciding whether he wanted to wear them or not. Soon enough, he chose to wear a long sleeve blue sweater, since it was chilly out, with some white jeans and black sneakers to match the black beanie he decided to wear over his blond hair. It gave him a soft type of look, something he didn't realize till he finally walked out of his apartment.

He ignored the thought though, not caring how he looked. Atleast, that's what he told himself in his head. Since he knew if he said it outloud it would most definetly come out as a lie.

15 minutes later Yoongi arrived at Ataraxia, the place Hoseok worked. He took his son out of his carseat and walked with him to the front door. Seokyoon was holding a stuffed bunny Jungkook had gotten him for his first birthday, which had headphones and wore a black sweater all the time. His other hand was being held by his fathers, the size difference beyond adorable.

When he walked in he was greeted by a young female, her hair down in loose curls. She was wearing a black blazer over her white button up, she smiled at him, "Hi, i'm Miran and you are?"

Yoongi gave her a small smile in return as he bowed his head, "Yoongi."

Miran nodded, her gaze shifting to the little boy, she walked over to them and bended down so she was at Seokyoon's height, "and you are?"

Seokyoon smiled brightly, "Swokyoon." he responded with full confidence, this making Yoongi chuckle.

"Seokyoon," he corrected, watching Miran stand with the same smile on her face, "his name is Seokyoon."

"Still equally as adorable," the female stated, walking back behind the desk, "Hoseok isn't going to be out for another 10 minutes, so you can wait on the couch." she told him, giving him a small wink before turning back to the computer.

The elder was stunned for a moment, wondering how this mystery woman knew he was here for Hoseok. Though, he guessed since she was the receptionist, Hoseok warned her about him coming.

Not even 10 seconds later he heard, "Dada," he looked at Seokyoon, "m' board."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, looking around for anything entertaining he could give SeokYoon. When he couldn't find anything, he settled with handing the boy his phone, which was playing educational toddler videos. It worked, since Seokyoon shut up right after.

This left Yoongi nothing to do.

Though before bordeom could consume him as well, which would have led to Yoongi watching the video's with SeokYoon, a tall dirty blond walked out of an office with a middle aged woman and man.

"I definetly see progress, maybe we can hit on the secretive tendencies and open up a bit more next week, yeah?" he said to the couple, who nodded with grateful smiles on their faces.

"Thank you so much, Haneul," the woman gushed, "you're really an amazing therapist."

Soon enough, the couple was gone and the guy, named Haneul, was walking over to Miran. They held a short conversation, Yoongi preoccupying himself with Seokyoon so it didn't seem like he was eavesdropping, before the man walked over and sat across from Yoongi.

"Who's this?" he asked in a loud voice, a voice he didn't need to be using, "I've never met you, who's client are you?" he asked another question, staring straight at Yoongi.

The elder took a deep breath before turning to look at Haneul, "Yoongi, Min Yoongi, and i'm none of your business." it wasn't a lie, because it was none of his business.

Haneul seemed a bit taken back by the response, but that didn't stop a smirk from forming on his face, "Fiesty, I was just curious-"

"Well your curiosty isn't needed," they heard a voice interrupt, both men turning to look at Hoseok, who had Sana standing next to him. "Leave him be, Haneul."

The blonde ended up putting two and two together, his eyes widening in realization, "this is the guy?"

Yoongi watched as Hoseok's jaw clenched, and just by that action Yoongi could tell the younger was annoyed. The teenage girl standing beside them only walked away to a car parked out front, Yoongi assumed that was her ride.

"Yoongi," the blond looked over at Hoseok, the male's voice breaking him out of his trance, "follow me and ignore him."

Him, was Haneul, the, fellow blond, only chuckling as Yoongi followed Hoseok into his office with Seokyoon in his arms.

Yoongi looked around the office, the office that fit Hoseok perfectly. If he were to see every office in this building, he is pretty confident he'd be able to guess which one was Hoseok's. Even without the 'HOPE' sign in the front of it, the dark green walls, the open view of the city mixed in with the soft scent of honey just screamed Hoseok.

"He can play with the stuff over there," Hoseok said, referring to the children's toys near the back of the room. Yoongi nodded, directing the little boy to go over to that section and play.

Seokyoon didn't even question it. He wasn't a shy kid, unlike Yoongi.

The elder took a seat on the couch across from the chair Hoseok sits in when he speaks to patients, which may explain why the younger chose to sit next to Yoongi instead of in that seat.

"Sorry," he mumbled, peering at the older, "I don't want it to feel like i'm speaking to one of my patients."

"I get it," Yoongi responded, offering Hoseok a soft smile.

They were finally going to do it, they were going to talk.

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