(No) Truth Thirty Nine; Potential of us

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Yoongi sat in front of his boyfriend and Suran with an unreadable expression, this only causing both Suran and Hoseok to exchange nervous glances.

Hoseok had gone to see Yoongi with Suran, he wanted Suran to explain to Yoongi why she was acting the way she was. He had to force her up the stairs to Yoongi's apartment, since she didn't want to face the elder male. She'd be lying if she were to ever say she isn't scared of Yoongi. Though, when Hoseok was getting annoyed with her, she could feel that same fear she felt when Yoongi was yelling at her.

Hoseok and Yoongi are a scary couple when pissed.

Now, the two are seated on one of Yoongi's couches, Seokyoon is sleeping in his room, and Suran had just explained to Yoongi what Hoseok had explained to her. Of course, Yoongi already knew that Suran had feelings for him after Hoseok brought it up, but hearing it come from Suran herself made it feel different.

It made it feel true.

"You're crazy," Yoongi says towards Suran, which had the female looking down in shame. It came out as a lie, since Suran wasn't really crazy crazy like the universe defines it, though she is in her own way. "You seriously threatened custody over my son because you were jealous of Hoseok and I's relationship? Suran, do you realize how childish that shit is?"

"I know!" the female whined, having already apologized to Yoongi a ba-gillion times, "and i'm sorry, I didn't realize I was doing it till someone told me, aka your boyfriend," she nudged her head towards Hoseok, "made me aware of what I was doing. I've never acknowledged my feelings for you Yoongi, ever."

The elder male interlocks his hands together, a deep sigh escaping his mouth. He pinches the bridge of his nose before asking, "Are you going to keep threatening to take me to court?"

Suran quickly shook her head, so fast Yoongi and Hoseok were surprised her neck didn't break, "No, now that I realize why I was doing it, hell no. I want to do better Yoongi, for you and Seokyoon."

Yoongi bites his inner cheek, nodding as he looks at Suran, "You better want to get better, I don't need your crazy ass losing custody because I whooped your ass in court." he says playfully, which has Suran smiling, really smiling.

She was ready to move on, the closure she needed has finally been handed to her.


"I don't get it, Miran, what does that Yoongi guy have that I don't?!" Haneul whines as he moves to grab the bottle of vodka, said female moving it away from his grip.

It's ironic how therapists are the ones who usually need the most therapy.

She sighs, "I don't know, Hannie, I really don't. And I thought you called me over to hang out, not be your babysitter," she says, which has the elder male chuckling as he leans his head back on the couch.

Miran stares at him, specifically the speck of liquid resting on his lip ring. With an over exaggerated sigh she moves to wipe it away, Haneul notices this, and he grabs her wrist before she can touch his lip. It takes a lot to make Haneul drunk, which is why Miran took the bottle of vodka away, she didn't want him to get alcohol poisoning because he was trying to make himself drunk.

She quickly realizes that he isn't drunk and tries to move her hand away, yet Haneul wouldn't let her wrist go, "Don't do this, Han, please," she tells him, her heart beating rapidly in her chest.

It's true, Miran has the hots for Haneul, she has for the last couple years. Her and Haneul practically grew up together, the two were neighbors and went to the same high school and college. When she was a sophomore in high school, Haneul a senior, she realized that she may love her best friend a bit more than a best friend should.

Is Haneul aware of these feelings? Yes, he is.

He knows Miran likes him, he's pansexual after all, but he's only used her feelings for him to his advantage. Miran has watched every single relationship Haneul has been through, and despite how much it hurts her, she always stuck by his side whenever he needed her. When Haneul cheated on Hoseok, he wasn't drunk or high, he knew what he was doing.

The elder used Miran to cheat on Hoseok. He lured her in, saying how sad he was and claiming he and Hoseok were having a bit of trouble, which was the truth. He kissed her, and Miran, being the gullible and naive person she used to be, went along with it.

"Do what?" he inquired, moving his face a little closer to hers, "what? You don't like me anymore? I promise you, there is a potential of us being together." he tells her, he lies to her.

She knows it's a lie, he always reels Miran back in when he notices her finally giving up on him.

Miran huffed, snatching her wrist away from Haneul's grip and standing up, "I guess you are tipsy, i'll get you some water-AH!" the younger female screamed out loud when she felt Haneul yank her onto his lap.

She swears was going to pass out from a heart attack, she swears her heart stopped for way too long. Miran stared at Haneul, she was panting, he always made her nervous. Miran knows that Haneul is her weak spot, she loves him, knowing very well he doesn't love her the same way. She knows he only uses her for his own personal pleasure, but she's never had the heart to stop him.

Though, that may change pretty soon.

Before she could process what was happening, she felt the cool metal of Haneul's lip ring pressed against her bottom lip, and the taste of alcohol seeping into her mouth.

Haneul's hands are on her waist, Miran's suspended in the air above his shoulders. Unlike many other times this has happened, Miran didn't kiss him back.

He pulled away with a raised eyebrow, "Are you okay, Mira?" he asks her, his eyes showing genuine concern.

I'm so stupid, Miran tells herself before she presses her lips against Haneul's again. She can feel Haneul smirk against her lips, the elder male allowing his hands to slide under her shirt.

Like I said, Miran doesn't have the heart to stop his manipulative ways.

Not yet at least.

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