Truth Thirty One; O-T-P

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Yoongi walks up to the door step of the home gingerly, a multitude of memories flooding his mind as he stared at the front door. Next to him, holding his little stuffie, Seokyoon is looking up at his father; wondering why he's so nervous.

Children are always natural empaths.

With a deep breath, Yoongi raises his fist and knocks on the door three times. A sigh escaping his body as he did, he ruffles his newly dyed hair as he waits.

From a dirty blonde to the color of red wine, a maroon haired Yoongi is born.

In less than 10 seconds, the one and only Jung Hayoon opens the door, a wide smile on her face, "Yoongi!" she screams out of delight, the woman hugging him tightly, "It's so nice to see you." she mumbles against his shoulder, Yoongi is taller than her.

"Ditto," Yoongi mumbles, hugging the woman back, she reminded him of good times in his life.

Seokyoon stares at the interaction with his doe eyes, confusion laced within them. He only squeezes his stuffie tighter.

Hayoon bends down to his level, turning her head in a playful manner, "Hi, Seokyoon, remember me?" Her hazel eyes stare into Seokyoon's dark ones.

"Sweokie numba one?" Seokyoon inquires, which causes both Yoongi and Hayoon to laugh, and a cut to appear on the little boys body. The young boy noticed the obvious resemblance Hayoon and Hoseok have, especially when they smile, and mistook Hayoon for Hoseok.

The elder smiles, standing back up and inviting Yoongi and Seokyoon into her home. Once the front door closed, Yoongi heard footsteps running from the top floor, down the stairs, and into the living area where they were.

Katsumi and Changmi both had wide smiles on their faces, both twins hugging Yoongi with lots of passion, "YOONIE!" they both greeted, happiness clear in their tones.

Even if the twins were young when Yoongi entered their lives, he still was a very important figure to them. They could see how much Hoseok loved the man, so they felt the same emotions towards him; lots of love and admiration. 

"Hi, Kat and Mimi," he greeted, Seokyoon again staring at another reaction with a confused expression.

He has no clue who these people are.

The twins attention shifted to the little boy standing near Yoongi, they already knew Yoongi had a son since Hayoon wouldn't stop talking about how cute the little boy is. Changmi was the one to pick Seokyoon up, the little boy not crying, he actually began playing with Changmi's short hair. "He likes me!" she shouted gleefully, the two asking Yoongi permission if they could go play with him. Yoongi, of course, allowed them too.

Seokyoon is a social little boy, something he inherited from his mother.

Speaking of Suran, she said Yoongi can't be around Hoseok with Seokyoon, not Hoseok's family.

The reason Yoongi was visiting Hayoon in the first place is because the elder woman heard that Hoseok and Yoongi were on a break because of Suran threatening Yoongi with court. And Hayoon was not having it, not at all.

She was not going to let anybody get in the way of her OTP, one true pairing, something the twins taught her how to say. Since they considered Hoseok and Yoongi their OTP as well.

"Okay, so," Hayoon and Yoongi were sitting at the dining table, the younger male's lips pursed, "this Suran person, Seokyoon's mother, threatened you with court because she doesn't want you around Hoseok, my son, right?"

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