Truth Sixteen; You're being selfish

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In less than a milisecond Hoseok's lips were against Yoongi's, his hands already on the elder's waist.

Yoongi was a bit taken a back by the force of it, this causing the back of his legs to hit the desk. As a result of this, Hoseok picked Yoongi up and sat him on the furniture, his hands gripping Yoongi's thighs once he knew the elder was seated.

The kiss wasn't slow, it was fast and full of fever, full of lust. Their lips haven't made contact in over 3 years, and now that they were finally pressed together, it felt like heaven. It was like two magnates making contact with one another after being kept apart. Their pull towards each other would be stronger than before.

The force of Hoseok's lips was almost bruising, he wasn't holding back anything, his hands moving from Yoongi's thighs to his waist; he pulled the elder closer to him, if that were even possible, Yoongi's legs encasing his waist.

Yoongi bit of Hoseok's bottom lip, he pulled on it roughly, which caused a moan to sound from the back of Hoseok's throat. Once he let go of Hoseok's bottom lip, he was the one to connect their lips back together, their tongues now making contact as they made out.

The elder was holding onto Hoseok's shoulders, his hands subtly moving to the buttons of Hoseok's shirt. Without really knowing what he was doing,  he began unbuttoning his shirt, their lips weren't connected at this point, Hoseok's lips were dancing across Yoongi's neck.

Yoongi's hands roamed Hoseoks bare upper body, his hands coming into contact with Hoseoks hot skin. He let his hands travel down Hoseoks stomach and back to his neck, Hoseok creating light marks on Yoongi's clean skin. A blank canvas for him to mark up.

Once Hoseok noticed that his shirt was unbuttoned, since he felt Yoongi's hands roaming, he couldn't help but smirk, "Someone's eager to get their hands on me," he teased.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, his lips red, "You kissed me first." he pointed out, which wasn't the full truth, only laugh. Yoongi gave consent to it.

Hoseok only hummed, connecting their lips again, this time with a little less force. His hands were behind Yoongi, his body leaning into the blond's. Yoongi kept himself from letting out a moan into the kiss, because he knew how cocky Hoseok would become if he did. Though, he couldn't help it when Hoseok nipped at his lips, the elder letting himself succumb to the younger male.

"W-we should stop," Yoongi rasped out, his lips now swollen, his neck decorted with light red marks, "b-before we end up fucking in my studio."

"I wouldn't mind," Hoseok confessed, Yoongi able to hear the smirk in his voice, the youngers lips kissing along Yoongi's jawline slowly and ghosting over the sweet spot on his neck. Yoongi allowed his eyes to flutter shut as he kept his hands in Hoseok's dark hair.

"Hoseok, i'm serious," the elder stated, attempting to use his authoritive voice, though it ended up sounding like a whispered moan.

The younger finally stopped, looking into Yoongi eyes before kissing his lips one more time, finally pulling away afterward, "Fine, fine."

Yoongi was grateful at the fact he backed off, but wished they could just get on with it after so long. Alas, time wasn't on their side.

In the midst of everything, Yoongi didn't notice that his hoodie on been disgarded on the ground and his belt was loosened.

He met Hoseok's gaze, the younger only winking at him as he buttoned his shirt back up.


NamJoon and Jungkook were cuddling on the couch, it was another one of those weekends when Jungkook would come over Namjoon's place and they would just hangout together.

They didn't get to do that a lot now and days.

Which is why Namjoon couldn't wait till Jungkook graduated, then Jungkook could move in with him and they could start their lives together.

It was a plan he is in love with.

"Joonie," Jungkook called, the elder looked over at him and humming to notify Jungkook that he was listening, "I need to talk to you."

It was late, almost midnight, so NamJoon was a bit tired from the hectic day he had. Though, if his baby needed to talk then so be it. He shut off the movie and they adjusted their positions, both of them now sitting on both ends of the couch.

"What is it, Kookie?" he asked, looking into his lovers eyes with compassion. He loves Jungkook, a lot.

Jungkook took a deep breath before speaking, "I'm eligible for an oppourtunity to study at the states for the rest of my senior year. I'd be able to work with some of the best video editors in the world and with the best equipment to do so. I'd be gone for a bit though, maybe till the summer of next year-"

"Summer of next year?!" Namjoon exclaimed, his eyebrows raising to the ceiling.

Jungkook is in college for video editing/directing, he's in love with creating a video that tells a story and conveys a message. Which is why he studies it, he's already got a youtube channel that is quite popular and wants to make his passion for video editing his career.

Kind of like how Taehyung studied photography.

Jungkook laughed, because he assumed Joon was being goofy, not serious, "I'd come to visit but it wouldn't be often, I'm leaving a week after Jimin and Taehyung's wedding."

Namjoon's expression was not readable, he didn't look happy like Jungkook thought he'd be, "You're going?"

Jungkook made a confused expression before chuckling nervously, "Of course I am, it's not an opportunity i'm going to miss out on, Joon."

"What about our plan?" NamJoon asked, his brows furrowed, "you didn't think to talk to me before you said yes?"

"I didn't think I had to," Jungkook told, his voice holding some attitude, this wasn't the reaction he expected, "are you really mad at me?"

"Yes, Jungkook," the elder exasperated, turning to face him, "you didn't talk to me and ruined the whole plan we had because you were only thinking about yourself." it was the truth as far as NamJoon knew, he got no cut.

Jungkook scoffed, tears brimming his eyes out of frustration and disbelief, "That's not fair, Joon! You're thinking about yourself, you're being selfish," it was the truth, "You're my boyfriend, you should be happy for me!"

Namjoon shook his head, standing up and beginning to walk over to the staircase, "I'm not your boyfriend, we agreed after you graduated and when you'd move in with me we'd officially be together again." he told, his voice holding an edge to it that made Jungkook angry.

"NamJoon!" he finally yelled, halting the elder in his steps, "stop being a fucking dick because I ruined our plan! I always support you and the moment I need it you can't give it to me!? What the hell!"

The elder stared at his hands, he knew he was being unfair, somewhere in his conscious he knew. Though, right now he was tired, angry, and upset, "When I need your support I don't ruin plans we set years before, Jungkook, you should've talked to me."

"I DID!"

"NOT WHEN YOU'RE LEAVING IN A LITTLE LESS THAN A FUCKING MONTH!" NamJoon yelled back, tears now pricking his own eyes, "Jimin and Taehyung's wedding is in a month, and you're leaving a week after. You never mentioned it before and you do after you say yes to leaving me? Leaving your home?"

"You act like I'm never coming back!" Jungkook shouted, not making a move to walk closer to NamJoon. He was way too upset.

"How do I know you will," Joon said softly, "Hoseok thought the same for Yoongi and look what happened to them," he took a deep breath before saying, "you can sleep in my room if you-"

"I'm calling Yoongi to come get me, you're being a fucking asshole when you should be happy for me, Namjoon!" Jungkook yelled at him one last time before exiting the apartment, tears streaming down his full cheeks.

Once NamJoon knew Jungkook was gone, he punched the wall out of frustration. Texting someone he knew would comfort him.

Let the countdown begin.

Vmin had drama (no one saying they won't in here) in LIE, now Namkook has it in TRUTH :}

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