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Jeff Wittek grabbed his keys that was on the coffee table of David Dobrik's house. "Where you going?" David asked looking up from his laptop as Jeff put on his sweater. "I told you, to pick up my friend from the airport." Jeff explained for about the hundredth time.

"Wait I'm so excited to meet her, bring her here after you pick her up." Corinna suggested.

"I'll see, she might be tired, but I'll ask." Jeff explained as he bid his goodbyes and walked out of the house.


Juniper Stone exited the LAX airport with her suitcase in hand and backpack on. She looked at the text that Jeff sent, telling her where he was parked.

She made her way until she saw a familiar tall brunette on his phone. She walked over to him, seeing that he was obviously engulfed in his phone. "Hey pretty boy." Juniper teased, seeing Jeff snap his head up and his face turn into a smile.

"Hey there June" He said happily, wrapping his arms around the girl and bringing her in for a tight hug.

The two haven't seen each other since Jeff barely moved to LA, but have talked a bunch over the phone. This was also the first time Juniper has seen Jeff since of his bad decisions that lead him to getting arrested.

Which she wasn't planning on bringing up, but being happy that her best friend has moved on from that and he was staying away from trouble

"I've missed you so much." Juniper sighed out happily. Hugging him back tightly.

"You're so pretty." Jeff complemented, making Juniper roll her eyes with a smile and shove him softly. "Yup that's what eating good, working out, and having braces for 2 years will get you." She said, Jeff smiling at her so happy to have his best friend here. "Okay let's get going, my friends wanna meet you. You've seen their videos right?" Jeff asked as he grabbed Juniper's bags. "Of course." Juniper replied.

"Do you want to visit them and meet them, or just go home?" Jeff offered, to which Juniper replied with going to meet them.

Jeff drove Juniper back to Studio City where the famous white Dobrik mansion was. He parked in front of the house and the two best friends stepped out of his car, walking to the house.

Jeff opened the door for Juniper and allowed her to step in. "Hey I'm back" Jeff announced from the door as he closed it.

Suddenly the two of them heard a yell and felt hard balls being thrown at them. The two yelled out from the sudden pain until they heard "Oh shit!" And the balls stopped.

Juniper looked up and recognized the boy as David, holding a nerf gun and a camera. "Shit Jeff I thought it was just you. I thought you said you were going to drop her off at the apartment." David exclaimed and set the gun down.

"Hi I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" David asked as he walked over to Juniper. "Yeah I'm fine, one hell of a greeting." She laughed softly. "I'm sorry, hi I'm David." He apologized again before holding his right hand out to which Juniper took. "Hi, I'm Juniper nice to meet you." She smiled warmly at the brunette. "Is everyone else here?" Jeff asked, making David nod and lead the both of them to the living room where about 6 other people were seated.

"Guys Jeff and his friend Juniper are here." David announced as the group turned to them and stood up to greet her. "That's Zane, Heath, his girlfriend Mariah, my assistant Natalie, Corinna, and Jason." David pointed out each person to Juniper who smiled and waved at her. "Hi guys, it's so nice meeting you. I love all of your guys' videos." Juniper praised. "Jeff I love her already." Zane announced as he walked over to Juniper and brought her in for a hug.

Juniper laughed and hugged Zane back. "Yeah well you'll be seeing a lot more of her and get annoyed of her." Jeff teased earning a kick on the leg by Juniper as she was still hugging Zane.

"You want anything? Water, Red Bull?" Natalie asked Juniper, to which she replied with red bull.

David offered her to sit down on the couch so everyone could get to know her.

Natalie came back with Juniper's Red Bull, and handed it to her. "Thank you Natalie," Juniper smiled taking the Red Bull from Natalie and sitting down on the couch next to Jeff and Corinna.

"So you both grew up in Staten Island?" Heath asked both Jeff and Juniper. To which they both nodded, "Yup, we met in 5th grade I think?" Juniper asked turning to Jeff to confirm. He nodded and let Juniper get back to talking. "Yeah 5th grade, and at first we hated each other because he said that I was stealing his friend away from him." Juniper explained with a small laugh. "And I don't know one day we just became friends." Juniper explained.

"Wait so you knew him when he went to prison?" David asked making everyone laugh and Jeff roll his eyes, "You motherfucker." Jeff chuckled out. "Uh Yeah I knew him then, but the last time I saw him was before that whole thing." Juniper explained.

"So why did you move here?" Corinna asked, Juniper opening her mouth to answer before Jeff cut her off, "She got a modeling offer from Zarzar." Jeff spoke happily, making everyone whistle and praise her.

"That's so cool! Well I mean you are beautiful so I understand why you'd get that offer." Heath's girlfriend Mariah commented, making Juniper smile and thank her.

"Well we're all going out to a UCS party if you wanna come." David offered. "As much fun that sounds, I think I'm just gonna settle in and rest." Juniper declined everyone nodding in an understanding way.

"Well I'm gonna go drop her off at the apartment, I'll see you guys in a couple hours then." Jeff said standing up, Juniper following his actions "It was nice meeting you guys." Juniper smiled at everyone and waved at everyone before following Jeff out the door.

To when Jeff drove her to their now shared apartment.

 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞- D.Dobrik (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now