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Sorry for the late update, I was too busy learning the renegade dance lol also there may be mistakes didn't proof read

Juniper Stone was in the kitchen currently helping Mrs. Dobrik cook the mashed potatoes. "Do you think I should add more salt?" Juniper asked David's mom, grabbing a little on the spoon and allowing her to taste. "Mm, just a tiny bit more." His mom nodded, before going back and focusing on the stuffing.

"Smells delicious in here." Paolo Dobrik said, as he entered the kitchen and kissed his wife on the cheek. David followed his dad, as the two just came from from watching a movie with Toby.

"It does smell good." He informed, walking to Juniper smiling at her concentration on the potatoes. "Hey there pretty girl." He whispered, kissing the bottom of her jaw. "Hey Dave." Juniper smiled, before turning to him and holding a spoonful of mashed potatoes. "Tell me if these are good enough." She ordered, stuffing the spoon in David's mouth.

"They're Good, really Good." David said through a mouthful. "Okay Good." Juniper sighed out.

"Need help with anything else?" Juniper asked David's mom, "Nope, thats it. Thank you sweetie." She smiled gratefully.

"Of course." Juniper smiled.

"Let's go upstairs and bother Toby." David smiled, grabbing ahold of Juniper's hand and dragging her upstairs.

Juniper laughed at her boyfriend's childish behavior, but hey, what can she say? It's one of her favorite qualities about him.

"What are you losers doing?" David asked, Walking into Sara's room where the three siblings would usually hang out.

"Toby's trying to make this TikTok." Sara informed, before making room for the two on the bed.

"David can you do it with me?" Toby asked, turning to his older brother.

"Yeah for sure. Is it a dance one?" He asked, letting go of Juniper's hand and standing from Sara's bed.

"Oh no, Dave's gonna fail." Juniper commented, earning laughs from his sisters, and a glare from himself.

Juniper had created a good relationship with David's sisters so far.

Ester especially, she'd already come to Juniper this morning for advice on some boy she was talking to.

Juniper honestly felt honored to have her boyfriends family trust her already.

Sara, Juniper and Ester sat out of view of the camera, laughing at the many attempts it took due to David messing up on the choreo until they got a decent one.

"Have fun with that Toby, your welcome for all the likes." David said cockily, nudging his brothers shoulder.

"Jeez calm down." Juniper laughed, rolling her eyes at David's cocky act.

"Fight me then, Stone." David laughed, puffing his chest up, earning a surprised look from Juniper. "You'll cry like a baby Dobrik, before I even lay a finger on you." She played along sitting up.

"I got Ester, Sara, and Toby on my side." David said, before the three siblings grumbled. "Uh we're on Juniper's side." Sara said, causing David's jaw to drop.

"Hah!" Juniper smiled wrapping her arms around Ester and Sara. "Come here Toby." Juniper smiled bringing the little boy in for a hug as well.

"Some traitors." David mumbled before sitting on the foot of the bed. "Sara! Ester! Come set the table!" The group heard Paolo call from down the stairs.

The two girls sighed, and stood up from the bed, exiting the room and heading downstairs. "Just leaves me with Toby." Juniper chuckled, pulling Toby into her side.

David pouted, and Juniper rolled her eyes, holding her other arm out. "Come here Dave."

David cuddled into Juniper's side, making her laugh.

"When are you two leaving?" Toby asked lifting his head up from Juniper's shoulder. "Tomorrow night." Juniper replied with a pout.

"Are you coming back for Christmas?" Toby asked Juniper, with hope in his eyes, only earning a disappointed sigh from her.

"No I'm not, I promised my mom I would go to New York for Christmas." She said softly, earning a pout from not only Toby but also David.

"Aw dang it." Toby sighed, resting his head back on Juniper's shoulder.

"We thank you for this meal, and for this wonderful family we have, amen." Paolo Dobrik said, concluding his prayer.

"Amen." Everyone repeated, lifting their heads up and opening their eyes.

The family had began eating the delicious meal Mrs. Dobrik prepared, with the tremendos help from Juniper, of course.

"This is so good mom." Toby commented stuffing his mouth with turkey and stuffing.

The rest of the family all grumbled in agreement as they ate.

Eventually they were all moving onto dessert, which was either pumpkin pie, or brownies. David of course settled on the brownies because he hated pumpkin, but Juniper loved it so she ate that.

"This was delicious, thank you for the meal." Juniper said to David's mom, who smiled grandly at her. "Of course sweetie, and thank you for your help." She said as she finished up her desert.

It was around 10 pm, and David's parents decided to go to bed, leaving David, Juniper, and the three siblings to be.

"Can we watch Star Wars?" Toby asked, grabbing the fire stick and turning the TV on. "Yeah put revenge of the sith so we can see hot anakin." Sara said, Juniper laughing and holding her hand up for a high five. "Yes! I agree he is the hottest." Juniper smiled as Sara high-fived her hand.

David pulled her hand down, and pulled Juniper into his chest. "Oh don't be jealous, your girl Natalie Portman is in this movie." Juniper giggled as she snuggled closer to David.

Toby set the movie up and the five of them all began watching the movie, Juniper smiling softly at the sight of Anakin Skywalker.

"So hot." She whispered, mainly to tease David a bit. Which worked since his grip around her waist became tighter.

Juniper had really enjoyed her time here with the Dobrik's.

They were a funny, easygoing family who were more than happy to accept her into the family.

Now David just needs to meet Hers.

Hola, uhh sorry this is shitty as fuuuckkk I've actually been working on another book that I'll announce soon once I get at least 10 chapters done. It is part of the vlog squad.
Any guesses?? Maybe a David imagines book? Maybe a whole other member of the group? Idk;)

 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞- D.Dobrik (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now