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Juniper had been thinking a whole lot about what Natalie said the other day. She was right, she had to swallow up her pride and make a move.

She knew she was only using work as an excuse of not having a relationship. Truth was she was scared, last time she dated someone famous that went down into flames, and his fans just tore her to shreds.

She didn't want to go through that again. David had a big following, he had a big, passionate fan base. Juniper was just too scared to start anything with anyone that has a following.

But she realized, if there was any chance of her and David getting closer, and getting their relationship closer, maybe they have to take it to the next step.

So that's why Juniper was currently turning the corner on David's street and pulling up to his house. She saw another car in the driveway, and has seen so many times recently. She knew it was Kelsey's car.

"goddamnit." Juniper mumbled, pulling up beside her car and stepping out. She walked up the driveway and towards the front door.

She didn't want Kelsey here, she wanted to be alone with David. So if Kelsey didn't leave soon Juniper would be trying to get a moment alone with him.

She also had no idea what the hell she was gonna do once she gets David alone. She didn't know what she would say, whether she'd kiss him or not. But it was too late to think about that now because the door knob was right in her hand, ready to be opened.

But she stopped right in her tracks. She saw David and Kelsey standing by the pool table, his back facing the door, and her standing right in front of him.

Then what she saw was more surprising, she saw Kelsey lean up, and connect their lips together. Juniper froze, and her brows furrowed.

"Uh okay." She mumbled to herself, letting go of the door knob and stepping back, turning her body. She walked away to her car quickly just so Kelsey and David wouldn't see her. Juniper wasn't necessarily heart broken, she was just immensely confused.

She thought David felt the same way about her, like she did to him.


"Get the fuck off me, what the hell?" David said, quickly pulling away from the kiss and stepping back. "Kels, why'd you do that?" He asked completely confused. "Dave come on! Just kiss me." She said, putting her hands on David's face and leaning up, "no, Kelsey." David pulled his head back, and took her hands off his face. "We're not like that." He clarified. "Why? Is it because of that bitch Juniper?" Kelsey asked, right as Natalie came into the living room.

"Kelsey are you fucking okay?" David laughed, absolutely shocked at what Kelsey was saying. The both turned towards Natalie once they noticed her walk in. "I'm gonna go." Kelsey mumbled, grabbing her purse and walking out the house.

"What the hell?" David looked at Natalie with wide eyes. "What's her problem?" Natalie asked walking closer to David. "She kissed me Natalie." David said, obviously still in disbelief.

"What?" Natalie asked confused, and shocked. "She just fucking kissed me, we were just talking and she just kissed me Nat." David explained, running his hands through his hair.

"Jesus, why would she do that?" David asked looking up at the girl in front of him. Leaning back against the pool table.

Natalie shrugged and leaned on the pool table beside him. "She obviously has a crush on you Dave." Natalie retorted, as of it was obvious. She looked up at the brunette beside her, watching his roll his eyes. "But doesn't she know I don't feel the same?" David asked. "I mean I'm pretty sure it's damn obvious who I like."

Natalie looked back down on the floor.
"Don't worry Dave, it was just a meaningless kiss, and you stopped it before it could escalate. There's no need to explain yourself, I know who you want. I think our whole friend group knows." She chuckled, making David crack a smile.

"She really called June a bitch." He mumbled, feeling anger bubble up inside him. If you could describe Juniper in any word, a bitch wouldn't be one of them.

"If June was here, she would've knocked the fuck out of Kelsey." Natalie laughed, making David laugh as well. He knew it was true.

His girl was independent and strong.

Well soon to be his girl.


Oop- it's really short. 

 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞- D.Dobrik (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now