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Sorry for any errors or mistakes.

•*LA *•

" it's amazing to see how much work he gets done" Carly read aloud to the group that gathered around David's living room. Each of them having Juniper's vogue interview pulled up on their phone and reading it together.

David read along silently with a small smile, feeling giddy at the words Juniper had spoken about him in the interview.

"Dave's blushing!" Corinna exclaimed, pointing at the boy and causing the group to laugh. "Shut up, no I'm not." David mumbled, pulling his hoodie further over his face.

"Wow look at what she said about all of us!" Erin said, reading aloud what Juniper said. "They help each-other so much with videos, and build one another up it's so inspiring," She read, the whole group
aw-ing and smiling. "Wow we're famous!" Zane exclaimed.

"She played fuck marry kill at the end." Natalie said, the whole group gasping and scrolling to the bottom of the interview.

"She'd kill Chris Evans?!" Heath exclaimed, with furrowed brows.

"Oh, she'd fuck Theo James, same girl." Carly said, causing David's ears to perk up at what she said. He read through the game, laughing through his nose at Juniper's response to the Tom Holland question.

He continued to read seeing all the celebrities Juniper chose between, laughing at her response to youtubers.

Everyone read the interview proudly, meanwhile Jeff Wittek re-read the section where he was mentioned.

He realized how amazing this was for Juniper. How the interviewer spoke so highly of her, and how amazing Juniper responded to questions.

He still hasn't spoken to Juniper since the day before she left, not even a call or a text. Just a lousy Instagram comment.

It has already been a week and half since Juniper left and he missed talking to her so much. He had to stop being stubborn and had to stop waiting for her to reach out.

"What time is it over there?" Jeff asked, turning to David who was currently looking at the photos that were included with the interview. "Huh? Oh uh, it's 12 here, like 9pm." David responded turning to Jeff. "Why?"

"Do you think she's awake?" Jeff asked, causing David to nod. "Yeah I'm pretty sure, she doesn't sleep til like 11." David responded, watching Jeff stand up and walk outside to the backyard.

He shrugged it off and continued to look at the beach photos.

Meanwhile, Jeff nervously sighed and clicked on Juniper's contact holding the phone up to his ear and walking around slowly, and mindlessly.

He froze in his spot when he heard the ringing tone stop and a soft voice on the other side. "Hello?"

Jeff stayed quiet for a bit, contemplating on what to say. Why did he even call? He had no idea what to say.

"Jeff? You there?" Juniper asked confused, before Jeff nodded. Then he realized she couldn't see him. "Uh yeah, I'm here." He said softly, looking down at the grass.

 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞- D.Dobrik (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now