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"Do you think you're parents would be down to party tonight?" David wondered out loud to his girlfriend, the two just waking up at 10:30. "Probably, they sort've enjoy that thing." Juniper yawned out, sitting up and stretching. "Where you going?" David whined, wrapping his arms around the girls waist and pulling her back down onto his chest.

"Clingy much?" Juniper giggled, looking up at her cute boyfriend, tracing her fingers around his jaw. "I just love you." David smiled, leaning his head down and placing his lips on hers.

"You're making me blush." Juniper laughed as they pulled away, fanning her face.

David smiled at her pink cheeks, finding the blush absolutely adorable.

The two settled into a comfortable silence, until Juniper gasped and sat up, facing David. "We should prank my family!" She suggested.

"It'll be fun, and make a good vlog." Juniper said, causing David to chuckle and run a hand through his hair. "You have anything in mind?" He yawned, settling a hand on her bare thigh, drawing random doodles with the tip of his finger.

"What about where Alex dresses like that scary old man again and tries to break in. Im pretty sure they didn't see that prank." Juniper said.

"Pass me my phone, I'll text alex." David said, making juniper lean over to the table and grab David's phone, and handing it to him.

After a quick conversation between the two boys, Alex agreed and would be coming by in a couple hours. "This is gonna be so funny." "Hopefully Andrew, doesn't kick his ass." David said, discarding the blankets from over his body, and swinging his legs off the bed.

"More funny content." Juniper laughed,
Sitting on her knees behind David and wrapping her around his shoulders, kissing the side of his neck, and up to his jaw.

David shivered, and exhaled shakily, smiling softly as juniper teased the sensitive spot on his skin.

"Okay, don't mark anything. I don't want your parents and brother to hate me." David laughed, lifting his shoulder to block Juniper, who laughed softly and rested her chin on his shoulder. "They could never." She stated before getting up from the bed, "I'm gonna cook breakfast for once." She said as she tied her hair up and left to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face.

David, meanwhile had put on a hoodie and put his glasses on, exiting out of the room and going to the living room, seeing Andrew and Natalie talking on the couch, seeming to have a pretty enjoyable conversation.

The two looked over at David who had a smug smile on his face, "oh good morning." David said, nonchalantly smirking at the two before walking to the kitchen to drink some water.

"Where's your parents?" David asked Andrew as he sat on the couch with the both of them. "They're outside looking at the view."
Andrew motioned to the Back door and sure enough the middle aged couple was sitting in some chairs David had out there, looking out to the view, and laughing at their conversation.

David smiled softly, he was so happy Juniper was raised in a healthy happy family.

They both were, which is where he thinks they got their understanding, and respectful persona.

 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞- D.Dobrik (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now