Chapter VI: We Shall Meet Again

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"You're already leaving this land of Hyrule, aren't you?" Zelda asked.

I nodded my head and Zelda sighed. I could feel Impa's ominous gaze from behind me.

"Even though it was only a short time, I feel like I've known you forever, Link." Zelda said as moved closer to me. 

I smiled, knowing the exact reason why she felt this way. Part of me wanted to ask her if she remembered anything from the future, but I felt like I shouldn't ask. Especially since I already knew the answer based off of what Impa had said. I just wanted to confirm it, however. Other times, I was either too nervous or just didn't have the energy in me. Those first few weeks of my return to this era were awful. I didn't want to move, and I didn't want to speak to anyone. I just wanted to lay in the room Impa had given me and dwell in the sadness that plagued me. I constantly missed the Princess', the Queens, and the King's summons, which was awfully rude and selfish of me. Impa would eventually bail me out of these situations and would tell them I was ill. Of course, healers were summoned, but they only came expecting to heal a kid of common cold or maybe a flu of some sort. They were not expecting to see a kid who looked like battle-scarred veteran with post-trauma. I also ignored the sages when they asked to see me, other than Impa would constantly come into the room. One day, they all had shown up at my bedroom in the castle. They too had noticed the odd behavior I was putting forth, but refrained from trying to bother me all too much. They understood that being thrown eight years into the past was not easy. During my time staying at the castle, I really did regret my decision, but as time's wheel turned, I realized the importance of it. Although, I wouldn't say I am still satisfied with the decision I made. 

Impa and the other sages were the ones who directly convinced King Nohansen of Ganondorf's plan to invade Hyrule. I, nor Impa, never even told Zelda the full story, all Impa told her is that and she only assumed that I came from the future in which Zelda's prophecy became true. I'm sure Impa spared her of the details of what really happened. This meant that the chances of her gaining those memories one day were slim to none. I guess I was the only one, besides six of the sages, who knew. Yet again, I felt as if the fate of Hyrule rested on my shoulders.

As the days went by, I eventually slipped away from the palace. I spent a few weeks at Lon Lon Ranch, hoping that I would never have to return to the castle again. That was until I was summoned by Impa, and she brought me back to hear Zelda's last request.

"I believe in my heart, that a day will come when I shall meet you again." The Princess said proudly.

"Me too..." I said as I looked down and sighed. 

"Link." She said softly. 

I looked up.

"Until that day comes, please take my ocarina." 

"Princess." Lady Impa said, butting into our conversation. 

Zelda ignored Impa's call and reached out with both hands to hand me the sacred Ocarina of Time. 

"I am praying... I am praying that your journey be a safe one." 

"Thank you, Princess." I said as I took her gift. 

"If something were to ever happen to you... play this melody. This song... it reminds me of us..." 

She began to play the Song of Time. That tune rung through my head. As she played it, I instantly remembered all the times I played it on my journey. I guess it was that powerful, and I'm just now realizing that. It made perfect sense to why it made her think of us. This song is the reason I am where I am right now. 

I nodded my head. She gave me the Ocarina and I played it again, perfectly, to show her that I remembered the song. 

I hopped on Epona as Zelda looked up at me. "Goodbye, Link... please be safe on your journey." 

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