Chapter XIII: The Hero's Legacy

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For eight years, Ganondorf Dragmire reigned over all of Hyrule. From the day him and his undead minions raided Castletown, fear was invoked in all of Hyrule's remaining citizens. As years passed, and all hope for Hyrule seemed lost, a boy in green wielding the Blade of Evil's Bane appeared as if from nowhere. With the help of seven sages, including the Queen herself, the Fierce Deity, as many soldiers called him, rose up to Ganondorf. After freeing each end of Hyrule from his curse, they planned a coordinated attack to rid the Demon King from Hyrule once and for all. After a long, hard fought battle, the Hero had slain the Demon King, and had ended the the seven years war once and for all. 

To this day, it remains unknown of what truly happened to the Boy in Green. Just as quick as he appeared, he disappeared. Some citizens have conspiracies, most common being that the sages themselves had something to do with his disappearance. It is clear that once Demon King had been slain, the sages and the hero had claimed the Triforce for themselves. What they wished for is still undisclosed, but many believe it was for the better of Hyrule. 

For centuries, a curse on the Gerudo had prevented most of them from bearing a baby boy. As of now, the curse on the Gerudo has been broken, and they, along with the other races of Hyrule, now live together in harmony. 

Every year, the races of Hyrule come together to celebrate the once called "Spring Festival," which is now renamed by the Queen to the "Hero's Festival." During the first celebration, construction around Hyrule had begun, and statues of the green knight appeared all over the realm. 

Researchers have been trying to investigate the disappearance of the green knight, but have found little to no evidence supporting any claims. Many tried to ask Queen Zelda herself, but she nor the other sages would ever give an answer. 

There were others outside of the sages who knew of the boy, such as the minstrel, Malon Lon, who is most known for, not only her father's business, but her songs of the green knight. When asked, she told that she also knows nothing about the boy's disappearance, and only that he most likely had to make a decision only a hero could make. She also mentioned that she truly loved him, and she regrets not being able to spend the rest of her life him. Her final answer to researchers was that "if he left without a goodbye, there was a reason only a hero could understand."  

The people of Hyrule may truly never know what happened to the boy in green, but all we can do is be thankful for the sacrifice he made so that Hyrule can one day return to its former glory, and even beyond. 

May the Hero of Time forever ride upon the Winds of Time. 

-Aygon Promethei: The Hero's Legacy. 

Professor at the University of Central Hyrule. 

Year 41 A.G. (After Ganondorf)

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