Chapter X: All Out War

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After Malon and had been married, ten whole years quickly flew by. 

By this time, we now had a kid of our own. Originally, I wanted to name him after her father, Talon, but we eventually agreed on a name like it: Tarin. As I write this, our young Tarin is now eight years old. 

Tarin is an energetic young buck, much like his mother was at that age. He has auburn color hair, much styled like my own, and a color almost in the exact middle between mine and Malon's. He looks much like me, except he has Malon's adorable feminine eyes. There are times where I swear I see glimpses of my former self in him, and it joys me to see it. For an eight year old, he is also quite the swordsman. He always tells me how he wishes to grow up to be just like his father. The times I see him the happiest is when I get days off from work. It's funny to me that when I do, he insists all the attention goes to him. Malon, of course, doesn't detest, as we get our time together almost every night. On off days, Tarin and I will sometimes go down to Lake Hylia and fish, go for horse rides, go hunting, or even sometimes visit the old Kokiri grove. There is much that I enjoy doing with Tarin, and I see my adventurous younger self in him.

Over the recent months, Hylian tensions with the Gerudo Rebels have grown excessively. Over the last decade, the Gerudo rebels never forgot about what we did to their King. A few years back, they almost overthrew Nabooru's Gerudo clan. Of course, with Hylian assistance, we prevented that. We thought that in this battle, we had completely eradicated the Gerudo Rebels. However, we were wrong, and there were thousands that we were totally unaware of. In fact, we knew an invasion was coming, however, we had no idea where or when it was going to happen. As the General, I have doubled the amount of guards on duty every day since then. If something were to happen, more eyes on duty would mean we would likely be able to spot them and quickly prepare. Recently, that is something that I have enforced among the army. Over the last few months, we have been having drills every week that mock a surprise attack, so in that case, we would be ready for anything. 


I woke up to see my sleeping wife next to me. I turned to the window as dark, ominous clouds rolled overhead. 

"Hey... I'm about to get going." I said to Malon as she woke up and turned over to look at me. 

She smiled, but grabbed me. "Stay for... five minutes." She said as she pulled me back into bed. 

I laughed and let Malon hug me as I closed my eyes. 

"Alright, I've got to get ready." I said, sitting up. 

"Fine..." She said as she sat up and smiled at me. 

Just then, Tarin came running into the room with a big smile on his face. Somehow, he knew the time I would leave every morning. 

"Daddy!" He yelled as he ran into hug me. 

"Hey, buddy. Come to say goodbye?" 

"Mmm... yeah!" Tarin hesitated, he was hiding something behind his back. 

I began putting on my uniform, but keeping an eye on Tarin as he quietly spoke to Malon. 

"What's that you got there?" I asked him. 

He began letting out his childish laughter. I couldn't help but smile, and Malon did the same as she watched him from our bed. 

"He wanted to show you something, honey." Malon said.

Just then, Tarin looked like he was about to explode in happiness.

"Look, Daddy!" He blurted out as he held out a wooden ocarina in his hand. "Mommy got me an Ocarina! I can be just like you now!" 

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