Chapter VIII: No Turning Back

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The cool morning air flowed through my hair as Epona dashed toward Castle Town. The light from the stable lit up the outside walls as the sun slowly began to peak from behind Death Mountain. Epona and I went right to the stable, which was being attended by the same women from yesterday. 

"You're up early." She said as I came into her vision. 

"First day on the job!" I responded. 

"Bring her 'round back." She said as she turned to walk towards the back. I guided Epona to the side of the stable and the women was there to meet me. I realized I never asked for her name. 

"Thanks." I said as I hopped off of Epona. "Did I ever get your name?" 

"I'm Mary." She said with a smile. "Link, right?" 

"Right. Well, I've got to get to the castle. It's nice to formally meet you, Mary!" I said as I offered a smile and waved goodbye. 

"Have a good one." 

I noticed the sun was beginning to rise, so I picked up the pace and walked a little faster to the castle. The town was quite empty, so there were no difficulties trying to get through large crowds. I saw the same guards from the previous day, and they let me through without saying a word. I guess they either remembered me and the Ocarina, or word spreads around fast in the castle that the "boy in green" was requested by the king himself to join the royal army. I walked through massive front doors and through the hallways that were being lit up by only candles. The lighting was satisfying, yet somewhat creepy at the same time. 

 During my walk through the castle, I partly hoped I would run into the Princess, but the chances of that happening, especially this early in the morning, were slim to none. I highly doubted that she would be awake this early. I then remembered what had happened yesterday before I went back to the ranch. I knew it was going to be on my mind all day. 

As I reached the military quarters, I saw Captain Daphnes at the front counter.

 "Morning, Captain." I said as approached the counter.

"There he is." He said. "Are you ready for the first day on the job?" 

"Yes, sir. I am." 

 "Good. We've prepared all your armor, gear, and schedule for you. All of it is at the barracks. Regardless if you decide to live on site, you will still get a locker and a place to keep your gear. Let me check which one is yours." 

"Alright. Cool. Thanks." I replied. 

"You'll be quite happy to know that you received the highest rank of anyone your age... ever." He said as he scavenged through papers on his desk.

I was surprised at what I had just heard. I mean, it did make sense, especially for someone who had defeated the Demon King himself. Regardless, I responded humbly. 

"I am honored to receive that title, Captain. May I ask which rank?" 

He nodded his head and smiled. "You'll see it when you get there. Your barrack number is S-S-38." 

I raised my eyebrows in confusion. It was my first day after all. Captain Daphnes was quick to realize that I had no knowledge of the soldier slang. 

"My bad." He said. "S-S-38 stands for Section 3, Sector 8. Most of the guys around here will just say 'SS' for short." He tapped me on the shoulder and handed me a sheet of paper. "You'll get used to it."

I slightly laughed as I took the small piece of paper he handed me. 

"You remember where to go, right?" He asked.

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