Chapter IX: Who Are You Now?

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It had now been five years since that fateful day. 

The day I enlisted in the Hylian Army, starting as the youngest lieutenant to have ever served. The day that the Princess departed for the Sacred Realm to become the leader of the Seven Sages. The day I confessed my love to the love of my life, Malon. 

Throughout the last five years, my life has been ever so great. Malon and I's relationship is at an all time high, I am soon to be the General of the Hylian Army, and I have finally obtained and surpassed the shape I once had as the Hero of Time. 

I remember my eighteenth birthday, how I woke up that day and looked into the mirror, noticing that I looked exactly the way I was when I took on the life as the Hero. I remember how I stood there as Malon walked into the guest room and hugged me tightly, as she knew exactly why I was acting the way I was. I remember sitting there, reminiscing on the life that I lived, that nobody remembered.

As Time's Wheel continued to turn, I began to see less and less of the sages. Occasionally, I would receive a letter or two from them, but I never really saw them. The only connections I had to the other realm were gone. As I grew up and acceded into an adult, the burden of not having that remembrance faded away. As of now, I can truly say that the regret I had of accepting Zelda's wish from the Triforce is gone for good. Although I still wouldn't say I'm glad that it happened, I am still happy that I was able to give the world the chance to prosper once more. As the goddesses themselves said, this was a choice only a Hero could make, and I now accepted that. Aside from my job, I also tried to slip away from life at the palace and the city. Most of my time, when either given days off, or just not working in general, I spent time at the ranch with Malon. I'd consider it a part time job, as some would say. Eventually, I won back Malon's true affection, and as of today our relationship has never been better. 

Over the years, I have returned the forest many times to greet my old friends, who I I now tower over. When ever I return, I wear my shining armor, as they beg for stories of the Princess, the King, and my duties as one of the top commanding knights in Hyrule. They still keep my old home fixed up just in case I decide to stay the night there when I come by. I still love them for that. Although Saria is now a Sage, they still see her every now and then. Because she isn't the leader, she can stop by Malon and I's home sometimes to say hello, but I still don't get to see her that often. Of course, she sends the most letters out of any of the sages. 

The Princess... I often receive letters every now and then as well, but I rarely ever get to see her. In her letters, she tells me what she and the other sages are doing. Mainly about learning to keep the seal in place, so that Ganondorf doesn't reemerge. I have told her about my newly crowned fiance, and she replies telling me how happy she is for me. I even invited her to our wedding, which she mentions that she'd be happy to attend. However, I feel the pain in her writing. I know she wishes that she didn't have to leave her life to become the leader of the sages, but she hides that in her happiness for me. In the short time she returns every now and then, I'll hear of her name passing through the hallways of the castle, but she often remains hidden and focused on studying. The times I do get to see her, she doesn't act the way she used to. She'll still hug me and tell me how proud she is of me. Although, I can tell of the sorrow in her voice and in her eyes. Most notably being in her wedding, which took place not too long ago. I remember sitting with Malon on the side of the isle, in front where those who were either royalty or invited got to sit. I can still see the lament in the Princess' eyes that day. She shot me a look, a look of pure sadness, which told me that she did not love this foreign man who her father destined for her to marry. She'll often tell me in letters of this... as that is the only way she can truly have privacy. As for the man, the Prince, I know mostly nothing of his personal life, nor do I wish to. Zelda tells me that he's a very mysterious fellow, but she does say that he cares for her, so I appreciate that. She also tells me that she rarely ever spends time with the Prince, due to her work as a Sage, but she mentions that she doesn't mind it, and that she would rather not have a real relationship with him. It pains me to read the words the Princess writes me, as I know she would do anything to have a type of relationship that Malon and I share. I would do anything for her to be able to experience love once more... but I'm afraid that is a problem I cannot solve. 

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