★ Avengers high school AU: s.h.i.e.l.d school for gifted youngsters ★

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Word count: 754 (not including this)
Warnings: none
>Steve Rogers and James 'Bucky' Barns
Bucky and Steve have been friends since birth, and if you see once chance is the other isn't too far.
Steve, golden boy of the school, Captain of the basketball team and straight A's (trust me it's the only straight thing about him)
Bucky barns, motorcycles and leather jackets, Steve's right hand man on the gym floor and in life, he does alright in most of his lessons but struggles in history, his mother is from Russia but moved to the USA and met his father, he's fluent in both

>Tony Stark
He's top of his class in engineering and second place in science
Not the most athletically gifted person due to his heart problems
Play boy of the school, guy or girl don't mean a thing to him if you're cute he'll try and bang You then he won't text you back.
Although he's most known for his kick ass parties almost every weekend since his parents are never home, no one knows much about his parents except that they are loaded and own some massive tech company

>Bruce Banner
Top of his class in physics, chemistry and biology and not to bad at engineering, second highest, Tony beat him by about 10 marks
He's shy and quiet but don't think this makes him a push over, mess with him and/or his friends and your practically dead, everyone calls his anger the 'hulk' and he's put people in the hospital including his abusive dad, so no one messes with him and he's thankful, he hates his anger issues and he hates hurting people

>Thor and Loki Odinson
Adopted brothers, Loki was adopted from England and has always been very close to his Thor
Since their mother, Frigga died when they were young their father has become cold and mean especially to Loki
In school Loki does extremely well in his lessons although is in trouble a lot, he's known as the trickster of the school constantly pulling pranks on students and teachers alike
Thor is very athletic and has the body of a god he's also on the basketball team he's also got the top speed in track, academically he's not the brightest bulb but he gets along with help from his loving boyfriend Bruce

>Natasha Romanov and Clint Barton
Natasha is secretive the only people that know anything about her are her friends
She's smart, all A's and B's across the chart and she's amazing at gymnastics, She's even come first place in a few competitions she's been in, also she's top of her ballet class
Her mother works for the government and is also Russian as is her father they fell in love and moved to the USA to raise their family, she's fluent in both.
Clint is an average student academically but he's a star archer, he can hit a bullseye with his eyes shut
Clint's family took her in after Natasha's parents kicked her out for being gay instantly loving her as their own, eventually they adopted her to make it official and she's never been happier

>Stephen Strange
With the dream of being a brain surgeon one day he's all A's and extra credit, he's not into sports always spewing statics that you're more likely to get hurt doing sport than anything else
He can be a stubborn son of a bitch sometimes but his friends still love him (he's the Barney of the group)
'He's never really been into the whole dating thing' he try's to tell his mom 'he just hasn't met the right girl' his mother keeps saying, only if she knew

>Peter Parker
He's the youngest in his class, he's sophomore age but he's in junior classes because he's that smart he's also quite the athlete, often battling Natasha in gymnastics and racing Thor to see who's the best
He's been brought up by his aunt may since his parents died when he was a young child, not long after that his uncle Ben was shot so it's more like he's looking after May but they get by

Together they make an unlikely but Unbreakable group of friends, and have even gained the name of the avengers. high school is tough they can only hope they're tougher. Love and heartache take a toll but they'll make it through like always, right? Headmaster Fury and deputy Maria Hill really put them through it all almost as if they're training them for something more but only time will tell

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