Part 1: Emptiness

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Orange, yellow, and pink colored the sky as the sun began to rise over the forest. The river running through it being the only noise. Not even the natural sounds of animals, insects, or even the wind penetrated the emptiness of the early morning. Nearby mountains cast a long shadow over the valley below. Almost as if shielding them away. Hiding the horrors that threatened to dampen the atmosphere of the peaceful morning. However, not even the shade could cover the truth. In the valley surrounding the river that provided the only noise was a place vacant of life. No trees stood, no plants grew, nothing remained but them. Them being the bodies that littered the ground. Warriors who had died in a gruesome battle. There were no survivors. They laid in silence, frozen from the cold, pale and lifeless until they were discovered just as the sun made its way above the mountains. 

Footsteps echoed through the silent forest. Halting when they reached the scene before them. Green eyes taking in the scene with a horrified but unsurprised expression. It was happening again. Mud caking under her shoes the child stepped out of the treeline and into the clearing. She stood strong, head held high as she approached the bodies in front of her. There was a little under two dozen shinobi lying in the valley, all of them lifeless, most with noticable and gruesome injuries. The child walked to the closest one and examined the face before her. It was a man, no older than thirty, someone with a whole life ahead of them. His once tanned skin was ashen and his pale blue eyes glassed over, staring unseeing into the sky. He was wearing a vest of sorts with pockets bulging with weapons, a black long sleeve shirt, black pants, tight enough to avoid being a hinderence in the dense forest, and black sandals. Typical shinobi attire. His headband caught the childs attention. Iwagakure. They had been testing the borders for months now. Scenes like this were becoming more and more common to stumble upon. The child sighed and reached for what she was really looking for, his weapons pouch. 

She took the whole thing of his only remaining leg, trying not to look and the gorey remains of the other. She stood upright and walked towards the rivers edge, dogging puddles of blood, corpses and body parts as she did so. Rummaging she found just what she was searching for. Food pills. Devouring one she sighed as the gnawing at her hollow insides subsided, if only for a bit. Looking through the bag she found smoke bombs, paper bombs, shuriken, chakara string, and a handful more food pills. No medical supplies. She huffed in dissapointment. Crossing the river with a skilled ease, hopping carelessly from stone to stone, leaps a child of her stature should never be able to make. On the other side she came across only two more bodies. Both were female, an older woman with a stern expression and an Iwagakure headband and a young girl, a brunette teenager with a look of horror on her own. The child decided to check her pouch seeing as the other womans was missing. Inside she found what she knew to be summoning scrolls and...Jackpot, medical supplies. I knew she looked like a medic, the girl thought to herself triumphantly. Taking her pouch she strapped it to her own thigh. Taking the shuriken and the food pills from her previous find she disregarded the mans pouch and placed her items in her new one. Then without even a parting glance she moved forward. Into the forest before her and straight into the Land of Fire in search of her destination. Leaving the valley to resume its previous state of emptiness. 

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